Advanced Course

Keep taking your home practice further with the Advanced Course – an extensive and growing collection of advanced online Iyengar yoga classes.

Classes Available


Essential Twists: Six Key Poses in 40 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 378

40 Min


This dynamic 40-minute class distills six essential yoga twists into a focused session designed for experienced practitioners. The class begins with Parivrtta Trikonasana, laying the foundation for spinal lift and rotation, before progressing through twisting variations of Virasana and Sukhasana....

Key Poses

Marichyasana III, ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, blanket.

Inversions & Backbends: Strengthen, Open and Restore – Weekly Advanced Class 377

45 Min


This complete and balanced Iyengar Yoga practice is designed for experienced students looking to refine their approach to inversions and deepen their backbends. The class integrates dynamic inversions such as Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), and Sirsasana...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, sirsasana, virapita dandasana, ardha halasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Inversions: Alignment & Strength – Weekly Advanced Class 376

40 Min


This class offers an in-depth progression from last week’s exploration of yoga inversions, focusing on three fundamental inverted asanas: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), Sirsasana (Headstand), and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance). With a methodical, step-by-step approach, the class breaks down each...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana, pincha mayurasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Thoracic Opening Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 375

40 Min


This 40 minute class focuses on the dynamic inversions Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), exploring variations that open the thoracic spine and shoulders. In addition to practicing the full poses, the class incorporates preparatory and modified versions designed to...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Spinal Lifts, Twists and Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 374

30 Min


This practice explores four foundational seated forward bends—Sukhasana, Janu Sirsasana, Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, and Paschimottanasana—through a detailed, stage-by-stage approach that emphasises often-overlooked aspects of these poses. Each asana is broken down to isolate key actions: spinal lift to create length...

Key Poses

Sukhasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, paschimottanasana.


Mat, 3 blankets.

Strength & Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 373

35 Min


Kickstart your practice into the New Year with this invigorating class designed to boost your energy and strength. Begin with foundational strengthening poses and inversions, exploring techniques to boost your Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance). Transition...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, utkatasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Forward Bends & Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 372

45 Min


This advanced class offers experienced practitioners an opportunity to combine inversions and forward bends in a classically balanced sequence. Featuring asanas such as Sirsasana (Headstand), Niralamba Sarvangasana (Unsupported Shoulderstand), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), the class...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasaa, sirsasana, forward bends, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets.

Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 371

40 Min


Boost your inversions with this focused class dedicated to refining and deepening key inversions. This sequence explores the classical postures of Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), Sirsasana (Headstand), and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand). Explore strengthening preparatory variations, supported adaptations,...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Shoulders and Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 370

50 Min


This class integrates shoulder-opening poses and back-releasing twists to offer a balanced practice that promotes both mobility and spinal health. Beginning with shoulder-focused variations of poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana, Garudasana, and Ustrasana, the sequence enhances rotator cuff function and...

Key Poses

Chair bharadvajasana, ustrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Supported Backbends & Back Releasing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 369

45 Min


This class integrates supported backbends and therapeutic poses to enhance spinal health and overall vitality. The backbend sequence is designed to boost energy levels while providing maximum support, enabling deeper exploration and comfort. Key backbends such as Urdhva Mukha Svanasana,...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, urdhva dhanurasana, ardha halasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Forward Bends & Abdominals in 30 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 368

30 Min


This class offers a therapeutic blend of forward bends and abdominal strengthening poses, designed to synchronise flexibility and core strength. Beginning with standing forward bends such as Padangustasana and Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, you’ll work on lengthening the hamstrings and adductors, which...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, paschimottanasana, Ubbaya padangusthasana, paripurna navasana.



Yoga for the Psoas – Weekly Advanced Class 367

35 Min


This class is designed to target and release the psoas muscle, a deep muscle running from the lower spine through the pelvis to the femur, which plays a key role in stabilising the lower back and pelvis and allowing hip...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, ustrasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, belt.

Therapeutic Standing Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 366

50 Min


This class offers a focused exploration of standing twists, featuring key poses such as Parivrtta Trikonasana and Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, along with preparatory variations and complementary poses. It provides a therapeutic approach to spinal mobility, releasing stiffness in the thoracic spine...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana parivrtta parsvakonasaana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Restorative Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 365

50 Min


This class centers around pranayama and breath awareness, offering a calming yet energising practice. It begins with restorative poses such as Supta Baddha Konasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, and Viparita Karani to gently open the chest, creating space for deeper, more mindful...

Key Poses

Setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, ujjayi and viloma pranayama.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, block.

30 Minute Lumbar Release – Weekly Advanced Class 364

30 Min


This class is specifically designed to release tension in your back, providing much-needed relief after practicing deep backbends or whenever your back feels tight or uncomfortable. Ideal for use immediately after an intense session of backbends or as part of...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, supta padangusthasana, ardha halasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolster, 4 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Connecting Standing and Seated Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 363

40 Min


In this class, we explore the connections between standing and seated forward bends, focusing on Parsvottanasana, Paschimottanasana, Upavistha Konasana, and Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana. Each of these poses presents unique challenges, particularly when dealing with stiffness in the hamstrings, adductors, and...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana, paschimottanasana, triang mkhaikapada paschimottanasana, upavistha konasana.


Mat, chair, 4 blankets, 2 blocks.

Twists & Gluteals – Weekly Advanced Class 362

45 Min


This class offers a unique blend of twists and poses targeting the gluteal muscles, designed to create harmony between the pelvis and spine. By opening up the glutes, you’ll find greater ease and range of motion in your twists, allowing...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, sukhasana, ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Elbow Hyperextension – Weekly Advanced Class 361

45 Min


This class is specifically designed to address and troubleshoot the common issue of elbow hyperextension. We’ll explore how hyperextension, or the excessive backward bending of the elbow joint, can affect stability and alignment in key poses such as Adho Mukha Svanasana, Adho...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, adho mukha svanasana, standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Restorative and Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 360

70 Min


In this restorative yoga class, you’ll be guided through a soothing sequence of supported chest-opening poses and calming forward bends designed to promote deep physical and mental relaxation. Using props such as bolsters and chairs, you’ll be able to settle...

Key Poses

Adho mukha virasana, viparita dandasana, setubandha sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Supported Urdhva Dhanurasana – Weekly Advanced Class 359

40 Min


Supported Urdhva Dhanurasana. In this class you’ll explore various techniques to enhance your backbend practice while easing the challenges typically associated with this dynamic pose. Urdhva Dhanurasana, known for its demands on muscular strength and endurance, is approached here from...

Key Poses

Supported urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2blocks, belt.

Upavistha Konasana – Weekly Advanced Class 358

35 Min


Explore the depths of Upavistha Konasana in this focused class designed to enhance hamstring and adductor (groin) mobility. The session centers on Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend) and its variation, Parsva Upavistha Konasana, guiding you through a methodical sequence...

Key Poses

Upavistha konasana, parsva upavistha konasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 blocks.

Standing Poses & Inversions with Wall Support – Weekly Advanced Class 357

55 Min


In this class, we explore the potential of using a wall as a prop in your yoga practice, particularly focusing on standing poses and inversions. By incorporating the wall into sequences that include standing poses, Sirsasana, and Niralamba Sarvangasana, you’ll...

Key Poses

Standing poses, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Quadriceps Strength & Flexibility – Weekly Advanced Class 356

40 Min


Strength & Flexibility for Healthy Knees: A Quadriceps-Focused Yoga Practice. This class focuses on improving both the strength and flexibility of the quadriceps, which play a key role in supporting knee health. Through a carefully crafted sequence, you’ll enhance the mobility...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana 1 & 2, eka pada rajakapotasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Backbends for the Thoracic and Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 355

35 Min


Backbends for the Thoracic Spine and Neck. This class is designed to focus on upper back and shoulder flexibility while addressing neck tension. The sequence begins with standing pose variations that gently open the thoracic spine and enhance shoulder mobility....

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, salabhasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2. blocks.

Paschimottanasana and Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 354

30 Min


This class offers an in-depth exploration of forward bends, centering on the essential actions of Paschimottanasana and its variations. We begin by preparing the body with variations of the related standing forward bend Padangusthasana, which serve to gently open the...

Key Poses

Paschimottanasana, urdhva mukha paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses Using a Wall – Weekly Advanced Class 353

50 Min


Explore a comprehensive sequence of standing pose variations utilising a wall to enhance balance, spinal lengthening, and rotational movement. By leveraging the wall, you can achieve greater stability, and an improved ability to twist and lengthen the spine. This method amplifies...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, 2 blocks, blanket, belt.

Nine Essential Restorative Yoga Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 352

60 Min


Explore the profound benefits of restorative yoga with our class on Nine Essential Restorative Yoga Poses. This comprehensive session delves into key restorative postures, including Supta Baddha Konasana, Salamba Purvottanasana, Viparita Dandasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Ardha Halasana, Niralamba Sarvangasana, Chair Sarvangasana,...

Key Poses

Restorative yoga poses.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chaturanga Dandasana & Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Weekly Advanced Class 351

30 Min


This class integrates Chaturanga Dandasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, two foundational poses that build upper body strength and enhance backbending skills. Chaturanga Dandasana, cultivates strength in the chest, shoulders, arms, abdominals, and legs. While challenging for many practitioners, it can...

Key Poses

Chaturanga dandasana, urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, bolster, 2 blocks, blanket.

Glutes and Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 350

50 Min


This class integrates twists with gluteal lengthening poses, promoting comprehensive spinal health and flexibility. The glutes, comprising the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, play a crucial role in stabilising the pelvis and supporting the lower back. By focusing on lengthening...

Key Poses

Bharadvajasana, ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses & Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 349

40 Min


Enhance your standing poses with a focus on shoulder opening in this therapeutic class. Standing poses are not only foundational for overall body alignment but also naturally enhance shoulder mobility. This sequence incorporates specific adaptations to maximise the shoulder-opening benefits,...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, blanket.

Energy Renewal – Weekly Advanced Class 348

75 Min


This class integrates supported forward bends, standing poses, and restorative asanas to create a therapeutic and rejuvenating sequence. It aims to conserve energy while enhancing diaphragm movement, leading to improved breath awareness. Key poses include Ardha Chandrasana, Janu Sirsasana, Triang...

Key Poses

Setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Sarvangasana and Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 347

25 Min


Discover the rejuvenating benefits of Chair Sarvangasana in this comprehensive class. This tutorial-style session explores the intricacies of Chair Sarvangasana, offering variations and complementary inversions such as Niralamba Sarvangasana. Each pose is methodically linked, creating a cohesive restorative practice centred...

Key Poses

Chair sarvangasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, bolster, 3 blankets.

Standing Poses to Prepare for Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 346

25 Min


This class explores standing poses through the lens of forward bends, highlighting the similarities between these two groups of asanas. You can use this sequence on its own to lengthen your hamstrings or as a warm-up for a longer session...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana variations.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks.

Chair Forward Bends and Gentle Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 345

50 Min


This class features forward bends, gentle twists and inversions. It utilises a yoga chair to enhance the practice. Explore how a chair can provide essential support for your upper back, helping to keep your chest open and release tension along...

Key Poses

Janu Sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, upavistha konasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Headstand Boosting Shoulder Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 344

40 Min


Boost your headstand abilities in this targeted class, designed specifically to strengthen and mobilise your shoulders. This session introduces a variety of shoulder-focused variations and poses aimed at fortifying the muscles crucial for a stable sirsasana (headstand). Beneficial even for...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks 2 blankets.

Core Strength, Hamstrings & Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 343

40 Min


Discover the dynamic interplay between core strength, hamstring flexibility, and balance in this invigorating yoga class. This sequence explores the connections between abdominal muscles, forward bends, and balancing asanas, offering a comprehensive approach to core strength and spinal health. You...

Key Poses

Kraunchasana, paripurna navasana, ubbaya padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, belt.

Standing Poses & Inversions with Wall Support – Weekly Advanced Class 342

40 Min


Explore different ways of using a wall to support and enhance your standing poses and inversions with this class designed for experienced practitioners. Each pose uses the wall in a specific way to achieve a desired effect. Using a wall...

Key Poses

Satanding poses, Sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks..

Backbends and Back Releasing Asanas – Weekly Advanced Class 341

50 Min


This class features energy-lifting backbends, followed by a series of therapeutic poses to release tension in the spine. Alongside enhancing energy levels, the backbend segment contributes to strength building and posture improvement. It explores variations of essential backbends like salabhasa,...

Key Poses

Chair backbends, salabhasana, ustrasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Groin Opening Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 340

35 Min


This class is designed to focus on the groin or adductor muscles, featuring a sequence of poses specifically aimed at lengthening and increasing the flexibility of these vital muscles. The “groins” typically refer to the group of muscles known as...

Key Poses

Prasarita Padottanasana, upavistha konasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Headstand & Chair Shoulderstand – Weekly Advanced Class 339

40 Min


Practicing yoga at home offers the distinct advantage of timing your sessions to align with the most beneficial parts of the day for specific poses. This class focuses on supported variations of headstand (sirsasana) and shoulderstand (sarvangasana), which are ideal...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, chair sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, belt.

Weekly Advanced Class 338 – Standing Poses Using Two Blocks

50 Min


This class is designed for busy schedules, offering a full practice that focuses on standing poses, using only two yoga blocks. It’s ideal for those short on time, on the move or out of their normal routine, allowing participants to...

Key Poses

Standing Poses.


2 blocks.

Chair Twists: Weekly Advanced Class 337

35 Min


Take a deep dive into chair twists. Designed to enhance your spine mobility and overall back health, this class focuses exclusively on chair twists. Explore standing variations adapted from the classic set of three parivrtta (revolved) standing twists, this class...

Key Poses

Chair twists.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Backbends for Shoulders, Neck & Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 336

40 Min


This class is specifically designed to improve mobility in the shoulders, neck, and upper back with targeted backbend variations. It will help you to make continued progress in poses from the back bending asana group and avoid the potential for...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, chair backbends.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Hamstrings & Adductors – Weekly Advanced Class 335

35 Min


This class offers a deep dive into poses specifically designed to lengthen the hamstrings and adductors, targeting muscles that for many can be notoriously tight, uncomfortable, and resistant to change. Recognising that these areas can often be neglected due to...

Key Poses

Padangusthasana, paschimottanasana, supta padangusthasana.



Standing Poses With Dowelling – Weekly Advanced Class 334

25 Min


Standing poses with the aid of dowelling. This class explores unique methods for using dowelling in your yoga practice, enhancing the traditional standing poses with this simple yet effective tool. Whether you choose to use a specifically crafted dowel or...

Key Poses

Standing Poses.


Mat, dowelling or belt, 2 blocks, blanket.

Energising Restorative Yoga – Weekly Advanced Class 333

65 Min


Energising restorative sequence. This class features restorative poses focused on chest opening for uplifting energy. It will be ideal for times when you need both support and a boost. The class focuses on breath awareness, particularly inhalation, to rejuvenate energy...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Backbends in 35 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 332

35 Min


This class gives you a burst of energising, chest opening backbends within a 35 minute practice. The sequence begins by guiding you in how to lie over blocks to open your upper back and chest. From there you head towards...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 331

50 Min


This class focuses exclusively on twists. It includes standing twists, seated twists, chair twists and reclining twists. The class will be ideal for people wanting to concentrate on the general back releasing benefits of twists. It will also be beneficial...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta paarsvakonasaana, chair twists, seated twists.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Virasana and Vajrasana – Weekly Advanced Class 330

30 Min


This class is designed to enhance your proficiency in the kneeling poses virasana and vajrasana. Emphasising practical variations, the class aims to facilitate easier access and deeper engagement with these poses. Additionally, it serves as an effective therapeutic session targeting...

Key Poses

Virasana, vajrasana, supta virasana.


Mat, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Uttanasana: Going Deeper – Weekly Advanced Class 329

25 Min


Deepen your exploration of Uttanasana with this companion class, designed to seamlessly extend your practice of the “standing forward bend”. Building upon the foundational techniques, variations, and applications introduced in Advanced Class 306, this sequence delves further into the subtleties...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, 2 blocks, blanket.

Three Key Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 328

30 Min


Paschimottanasana, Upavistha Konasana, and Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana are key forward bends from which many other poses develop. Understanding these poses thoroughly aids the natural evolution of more advanced asanas. Each pose can be challenging, even for seasoned practitioners, due to...

Key Poses

Paschimottanasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, upavistha konasana.


Mat, 4 blankets, 2 blocks.

Standing Pose Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 327

45 Min


Join us for a sequence of standing pose variations, utilising only the simplest of props. This class has been specially designed to cast new perspectives on classic standing poses, achievable with just a blanket and two yoga blocks. Explore asanas...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, Blanket, 2 blocks.

Upward Facing Dog Pose Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 326

30 Min


Explore Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose) and related variations. This class emphasises the pivotal actions and foundational techniques of this key backbend. This invigorating asana is great for boosting energy levels and sets the stage for more advanced...

Key Poses

Urdva mukha svanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks.

Standing & Seated Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 325

40 Min


Join us for a yoga class focused on the rejuvenating power of twists. This sequence is designed to enhance the health of your back, incorporating a range of spinal rotations that are crucial in many yoga poses. We’ll explore twists...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, marichyasana 3.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Forward Bends With Head Support – Weekly Advanced Class 324

40 Min


Join us for a 40-minute class focused on seated forward bends, designed specifically for experienced students who are comfortable holding forward bends without mobility limitations. We use a bolster to support extended periods in these poses, reducing the need for...

Key Poses

Seated forward bends.


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Back Pain Relief in 35 Minutes -Weekly Advanced Class 323

35 Min


Go-to short sequence for alleviating back pain. This class presents a carefully curated set of asanas targeting tight or contracted muscles in the lower back area, providing relief during times of ache or discomfort. Key features include accessible variations of...

Key Poses

Pavana muktasaana.


Mat, Chairs, bolster, 2 blankets, belt.

Yoga For Combatting Depression – Weekly Advanced Class 322

40 Min


Yoga for combatting depression. During times of depression, certain yoga poses can inadvertently contribute to feelings of heaviness and dullness, especially those where the head is dropping, or positioned lower than the chest. To counter this, this class is designed...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, baddha konasana, upavistha konasana.


Mat, chair, bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Backbends For The Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 321

40 Min


This class features backbends that open the upper back, shoulders, and neck. The class begins with a series of thoracic opening standing poses, utilising a doweling rod to enhance upper back opening. For those without a rod, a yoga belt can...

Key Poses

Salabhasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, dowelling.

Ubbaya Padangusthasana & Krounchasana – Weekly Advanced Class 320

30 Min


In this class we focus on enhancing hamstring flexibility and balance through the exploration of Ubhaya Padangusthasana and Krounchasana. These foundational asanas, along with their relevant variations are presented in a short but structured sequence, unfolding in stages to ensure...

Key Poses

Ubbaya padanusthasana, kraunchasana.


Mat, blanket.

Standing Poses With Chair, Blocks & Wall – Weekly Advanced Class 319

40 Min


This class explores ways of using yoga props to focus on the core principles of standing poses. Within the class foundational actions and techniques are supported by an array of yoga props including a chair, blocks, and the stability of...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, blanket, wall.

Abdominals – Weekly Advanced Class 318

20 Min


This 20 minute prop-free class features asanas that will strengthen your abdominal muscles. While the focus is on the “abdominals,” the benefits extend far beyond, as this session also targets the oft-neglected muscles in your lower back and pelvis. By...

Key Poses

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, paripurna navasana.



Yoga To Soften & Soothe – Weekly Advanced Class 317

65 Min


Yoga to Soften and Soothe. Embrace a sense of deep relaxation with this class, thoughtfully designed to harmonise the body’s natural rhythms. This calming session is an interweaving of supported forward bends and gentle, expansive postures that promote ease and...

Key Poses

Restorative poses.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Troubleshooting Chair Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 316

35 Min


Troubleshooting Chair Backbends. In this class, we delve into the typical challenges encountered during chair backbends and provide effective solutions to enhance your practice. This carefully crafted sequence places a particular emphasis on Viparita Dandasana. We will explore the targeted...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Supta Virasana – Weekly Advanced Class 315

30 Min


Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) is a great asana for improving knee mobility, and quadriceps flexibility. It is eventually an ideal starting position that can be used to begin an active yoga sequence. This comprehensive tutorial guides you through four...

Key Poses

Supta virasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 4 blankets, 2 blocks.

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana – Weekly Advanced Class 314

25 Min


Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split Pose). In this 25-minute video, we’ll guide you through the intricacies of Urdvha Prasarita Eka Padasasana, commonly known as Standing Split Pose. This challenging standing forward bend demands a blend of balance, strength, and...

Key Poses

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Synergies Between Standing Poses & Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 313

35 Min


Discover the synergies between standing poses and forward bends in this class. It emphasises the shared techniques, actions, and benefits between these two distinct asana groups, shedding light on their interconnectedness. Practice this sequence independently for a fantastic way to...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, parsvottanasana, urdhva prasarita eka padasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, blanket.

Chest-Opening & Breath Awareness – Weekly Advanced Class 312

45 Min


Chest-Opening Poses & Breath Awareness. This class explores chest-opening poses and the way in which they influence the breath. It features multiple variations of the seated asanas baddha konasana and upavistha konasana. Experience these poses in different positions: upright, supported,...

Key Poses

Baddha konasana, upavistha konasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Energy & Vitality – Weekly Advanced Class 311

45 Min


Yoga for enhanced energy and vitality. This class is designed to give you a mood lifting energy boost. It features energising standing poses and backbends. Standing poses are fantastic for being able to circulate energy and shake off dullness. Their inherent...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Energising Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 310

45 Min


This class incorporates the use of a chair to improve your forward bends, fostering a more dynamic approach to this otherwise calming asana group. While traditionally these poses target the hips, groins, and hamstrings, the addition of a chair introduces...

Key Poses

Forward bends.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets.

Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana – Weekly Advanced Class 309

30 Min


This 30-minute class explores Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana (Three Limbed Forward Bend), a key seated forward bend. Focusing on the knee, shin, quadriceps, and hamstring, this advanced posture integrates a multitude of actions from the seated forward bend asana family. The...

Key Poses

Triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blakets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Adductors – Weekly Advanced Class 308

45 Min


This class features a series of poses designed to stretch and elongate the adductors. The adductor muscles, located on the inner thigh, are a group of muscles responsible for pulling the legs inward, or adducting them. They play a crucial...

Key Poses

Parighasana, upavistha Konasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Quadriceps & Calves – Weekly Advanced Class 307

35 Min


Yoga poses for the quadriceps and calves. This class is designed to lengthen your calf muscles and quadriceps. We begin the class by modifying three foundational standing asanas to release and extend your calves. Transitioning from there, we delve into...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana 1.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Uttanasana – Weekly Advanced Class 306

25 Min


This class focuses exclusively on the yoga pose uttanasana, or the standing forward bend. It explores its fundamental techniques, modifications and applications. Uttanasana is a key pose in terms of linking standing poses to seated forward bends. For many, practicing...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks.

Restorative Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 305

40 Min


Restorative Standing Poses. This carefully curated sequence accentuates the restorative aspect of standing poses. While standing poses inherently bolster strength and dynamism, they aren’t typically associated with energy conservation. Yet, they can be uniquely modified to support and nurture you,...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga For The Lumbar Spine – Weekly Advanced Class 304

30 Min


Soothing yoga sequence for your lumbar spine. This therapeutic class is specially designed to decompress your lumbar spine, providing much-needed relief for any aches and discomfort in your lower back. Perfect for those seeking release after an intense session of...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Ubhaya Padangusthasana – Weekly Advanced Class 303

50 Min


In this class, we explore a range of forward bending postures, gradually working our way up to the challenging asanas of ubhaya padangusthasana and krounchasana. These poses are taught in a progressive manner, allowing you to develop your skills while...

Key Poses

Ubhaya padangusthasana, krounchasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, belt.

Ardha Chandrasana – Weekly Advanced Class 302

20 Min


Take a deep dive into ardha chandrasana, also known as the half moon pose, through this comprehensive 20-minute tutorial. This asana encompasses elements of strength, balance, and focused mental concentration. The class commences by laying a solid foundation, consolidating the...

Key Poses

Ardha chandrasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Shoulder Variations For Improved Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 301

30 Min


Shoulder variations for improved inversions. Enhancing your practice of inversions such as pincha mayurasana (forearm balance), adho mukkha vrksasana (handstand), and sirsasana (headstand) can be significantly improved by enhancing the flexibility and functionality of your shoulders. By working on shoulder...

Key Poses

Headstand, handstand, forearm balance.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, blanket.

Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 300

80 Min


Join us for an 80-minute extended duration class focused on restorative yoga and pranayama. This comprehensive sequence aims to rejuvenate your strength, enhance your health, and promote overall well-being. Throughout the class, you will experience a variety of supported poses,...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, viparita karani, setu bandha sarvangasana, ujjayi pranayama, viloma pranayama.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Upward Facing Dog Pose – Weekly Advanced Class 299

20 Min


In this class, we delve into an in-depth exploration of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose). Alongside troubleshooting common problems, we focus on key actions and fundamental techniques to enhance your practice. This dynamic asana is perfect for uplifting...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Twists and Glutes – Weekly Advanced Class 298

40 Min


This class features twists and gluteal lengthening poses. By integrating these two types of asanas, you can unlock a synergy that brings balance and freedom to your pelvis and spine. By cultivating mobility in the gluteal muscle group, you’ll discover...

Key Poses

Ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 297

20 Min


Parsvakonasana. This 20 minute class is specially designed for experienced students who are already acquainted with this key standing pose. It offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding and learn new perspectives on a familiar pose. We begin by optimising...

Key Poses



Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 296

20 Min


In this focused 20 minute class, we’ll explore parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle pose). We’ll dive into key actions, troubleshoot common problems, and enhance mobility in the spine, neck, shoulders, and hamstrings. While including preparatory variations for basic alignment, this class...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Backbends in 35 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 295

35 Min


Chair Backbends. In just 35 minutes, this class will guide through a comprehensive selection of poses that focus on creating openness and space in your upper back and shoulders. Whether you’re consolidating the basics or an experienced practitioner, this class...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2blocks.

Enhance Your Handstand – Weekly Advanced Class 294

40 Min


Enhance your adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) practice. This class offers a diverse range of variations that target common challenges and refine your overall technique. It is designed for students already familiar with the pose, while also catering to those who...

Key Poses

adho mukha vrksasana (handstand)


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Strong Knees – Weekly Advanced Class 293

45 Min


Yoga for strong knees. In this class, we incorporate yoga poses that enhance knee strength, stability, and protection. Many of these poses target the quadriceps muscles, particularly the vastus medialis. The vastus medialis, located on the inner side of your...

Key Poses

Utkatasana, trikonasana, virabhadrasana 2, virabhadrasana 1.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Standing Poses With Wall Support – Weekly Advanced class 292

45 Min


Standing poses using the support of a wall. Standing poses can leave you feeling energised, but are not always well suited to times when you are feeling tired or low in energy. They are not poses that naturally help to...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Quads, Knees & Shins – Weekly Advanced Class 291

45 Min


This class heads in the direction of the seated pose krounchasana (heron pose). It will also be great for improving mobility in your quads, knees and shins. A number of the poses utilise deep kneeling positions that will lengthen your...

Key Poses

Supta virasana, krounchasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 290

30 Min


Nine ways to improve your pincha mayurasana (feathered peacock pose/forearm balance). This tutorial-style class focuses exclusively on pincha mayurasana. It begins with preparatory variations that consolidate key actions whilst improving shoulder mobility and strength. It eventually explores methods for optimising...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Standing Poses in 45 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 289

45 Min


This class includes a comprehensive selection of standing poses within a 45 minute duration practice. Most of the asanas from the standing pose group are featured. Emphasis is given to classical alignment and fundamental techniques. Standing poses can be used...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) – Weekly Advanced Class 288

20 Min


Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend) and related poses. This class explores the fundamental actions associated with paschimottanasana. It also includes preparatory poses and variations of the standing forward bend padangusthasana. This helps to make the eventual seated forward bending asana more...

Key Poses

Pascimottanasana, padangusthasana, urdhva mukha paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, belt, blanket.

Standing & Seated Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 287

50 Min


This class features standing and seated yoga twists. Explore links between the three key standing poses parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana, and seated twists such as bharadvajasana, ardha matsyendrasana and marichyasana 3. These poses will collectively help...

Key Poses

Parivrtta standing poses, bharadvajasana, marichyasana 3.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Cross Bolsters Restorative – Weekly Advanced Class 286

65 Min


This class explores a number of commonly practiced restorative yoga poses using a ‘cross bolster’ set-up. Upashrayi variations of seated poses are also included. Supported standing poses with an emphasis on energy preservation are featured in the sequence. Breath awareness...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, upashrayi seated poses, cross bolsters viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, three blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Backbend Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 285

55 Min


This energising class features a sequence of chair backbends. It uses a yoga chair as a support for a number of backbending asanas such as  urdhva mukha svanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana and urdhva dhanurasana. The class guides you methodically...

Key Poses

Urdvhva mukha svanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Standing Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 284

40 Min


Practicing forward bends from a standing position can be an effective way of bypassing stiffness associated with tight hamstrings, hips or knees. Forward bending actions are often more challenging for stiffer bodies when approached from their traditional seated positions. When sitting...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana 3, parivrrta ardha chandrasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses & Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 283

40 Min


Give your standing poses a shoulder opening focus with this class. In addition to having a corrective effect on the body as a whole, standing poses tend to naturally improve shoulder mobility. This class includes adaptations that will help to...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana III.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga Poses For Menstruation – Weekly Advanced Class 282

70 Min


Yoga poses for menstruation. This calming class combines supported forward bends with poses that help to relieve tightness and heaviness in the abdominal region. Many women in the Iyengar method choose to practice this type of sequence during menstruation. The...

Key Poses

Supported forward bends, viparita dandasana, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Shoulders & Wrists – Weekly Advanced Class 281

30 Min


Shoulders and wrists. This quick and easy sequence features therapeutic yoga poses for your shoulders and wrists. It includes variations of the finger interlocking pose baddhanguliyasana that will simultaneously target your shoulders and wrists. Some adaptations of adho mukha svanasana...

Key Poses

Urdhva baddhanguliyasana, adho mukha svanasana, sirsasana preparation.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Vinyasa Twists & Glutes – Weekly Advanced Class 280

45 Min


Vinyasa twists and glutes. This class features a dynamic vinyasa-style sequence that will target your glutes and improve your twists. Each pose is linked with a to-and-fro stepping action that passes through tadasana, uttanasana, adho mukha svanasana and a gluteal...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, bharadvajasana, ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, blanket, belt.

Standing Poses & Inversions With Wall Support – Weekly Advanced Class 279

50 Min


Standing poses and inversions with wall support. This class incorporates a wall into a yoga sequence that includes standing poses, sirsasana and niralamba sarvangasana. Each pose uses the wall in a specific way to achieve a desired effect. A wall...

Key Poses

Standing Poses, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blocks, 3 blankets.

Nine Yoga Poses For Hip Flexors – Weekly Advanced Class 278

30 Min


Nine yoga poses for your hip flexors. The hip flexors can be targeted from a variety of different asana groups. This sequence approaches them from the perspective of backbends. The hip flexors are a group of muscles that join the...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, ustrasana, eka pada viparita dandasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga Sequence Without Props – Weekly Advanced Class 277

30 Min


Standing poses and backbends – without yoga props – in 30 minutes. You just need your yoga mat to complete this energising sequence. No other equipment is required. This class will be perfect for times when you are busy or...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, vasisthasana, urdhva mukha svanasana..



Ujjayi Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 276

60 Min


This 60 minute video explores restorative yoga poses and pranayama. The class includes classic restorative poses such as supta baddha konasana, viparita karani and setu bandha sarvangasana. These poses help to relax your body, open your chest and create a...

Key Poses

Ujjayi inhalation and exhalation.


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, block, belt.

Early Morning Boost – Weekly Advanced Class 275

30 Min


Get an early morning boost. This class will help you to wake up, shake off tiredness and access energy more quickly in the mornings. It packs a comprehensive selection of standing poses and strength building asanas into a dynamic, vinyasa...

Key Poses

Surya namaskar variations, standing poses.


Mat, blanket.

Yoga For Shoulder Bursitis – Weekly Advanced Class 274

45 Min


Yoga pose to bring relief from shoulder bursitis. Bursae are small, fluid filled sacks that help to ensure smooth movement between bones and soft tissue. They are commonly located around the major joints in the body. Shoulder bursitis results from...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Forward Bends & Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 273

40 Min


This class is based around the key forward bends paschimottanasana, upavista konasana and triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana. It includes preparatory versions of these poses to consolidate the basics, as well as more advanced variations to help encourage further exploration. With this...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha paschimottanasana, krounchasana, upavista konasana, paschimottanasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Backbends & Back Releasing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 272

45 Min


Backbends and back releasing poses. This class explores energy lifting backbends and then releases your spine with a selection of therapeutic asanas. In addition to boosting energy levels the backbend component of the class will also be great for building...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Shoulder Opening Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 271

50 Min


Shoulder opening twists. This class explores links between your shoulders and twisting yoga poses. This pairing can have a variety of beneficial outcomes. For people working with restricted shoulder mobility, an improved range of motion can often be found from...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana III, ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Standing Poses, Inversions & Minimal Props – Weekly Advanced Class 270

50 Min


Standing poses and inversions with minimal props. This class neatly fits a complete yoga practice into a trimmed back session of standing poses and inversions. The entire sequence can be completed using only two yoga blocks. This type of practice...

Key Poses

Standing Poses, sirsasana, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Express Standing Poses (Wall Variations) – Weekly Advanced Class 269

30 Min


Wall based standing poses. A wall is one of the most readily available yoga props for people practicing yoga at home. This class explores a variety of ways in which a wall can be incorporated into a standing pose sequence....

Key Poses

Standing Poses.


Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Wrists and Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 268

40 Min


Yoga for wrists. You won’t need to have wrist difficulties to benefit from this wrist opening sequence. Viewing asanas from the perspective of a singular body region can help to shed new light on familiar poses and open previously unseen...

Key Poses

Baddhanguliyasana, adho mukha svanasana, vasisthasana, urhdva mukha svanasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Abdominals & Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 267

30 Min


Abdominal strengthening poses can be included in a yoga sequence in a variety of ways. This class explores links between abdominals, forward bends and asanas involving your sense of balance. It highlights ways in which this group of poses can...

Key Poses

Krounchasana, ubbhaya padangusthasana, paripurna navasana, ardha navasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, belt.

Yoga For The Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 266

50 Min


Yoga for your upper back, neck and shoulders. Backbends can be used in a wide variety of ways to achieve different effects and benefits. This class applies a more therapeutic slant on the backbend asana group to benefit your upper...

Key Poses

Salabhasana, ustrasana, urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Upavista Konasana – Weekly Advanced Class 265

45 Min


Upavista Konasana (wide angled seated forward bend). This class features a forward bend sequence that builds towards upavista konasana and the related asanas parsva upavista konasana and parivrtta upavista konasana. In addition to challenging your hamstrings and groins some of...

Key Poses

Upavista konasana, parsva upavista konasana, paivrtta upavista konasana


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses & Knee Care – Weekly Advanced Class 264

50 Min


Standing poses and knee care. This class demonstrates some simple ways of giving your knees extra support whilst working with a variety of standing poses. Throughout the class an emphasis is given to ways in which standing poses can be...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Inversions & Shoulder Mobility – Weekly Advanced Class 263

50 Min


Inversions and shoulders. Many yoga inversions require a healthy range of shoulder mobility. This week’s class features key inversions such as adho mukha vrksasana (handstand), pincha mayurasana (forearm balance), sirsasana (headstand) and niralamba sarvangasana (a variation of shoulderstand). Each pose...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, adho mukha vrksasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 or 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Improve Your Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 262

35 Min


Improve your twists. This class features key seated twists such as bharadvajasana, ardha matsyendrasana and marichyasana III. It also includes some preparatory standing twists and a selection of therapeutic chair twists. The class will be ideal for people wanting to...

Key Poses

Bharadvajasana, ardha matsyendrasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 or 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Forward Bends & Restorative Yoga – Weekly Advanced Class 261

65 Min


Forward bends and restorative yoga. This week’s class features a variety of different ways in which forward bends can be used in a restorative yoga sequence. In addition to helping you to preserve energy, this class uses a chair to...

Key Poses

Janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, chair sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 or 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Backbend Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 260

50 Min


A yoga chair can have multiple applications when practicing poses from the backbend asana group. This class uses a chair to help you explore backbends such as vrschikasana, urdhva dhanurasana and dwi pada viparita dandasana. It demonstrates how a chair...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, urdhva dhanurasana, vrschikasana.


Mat, chair, blanket.

Vinyasa Padmasana Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 259

45 Min


Try this fun way of improving your padmasana (lotus pose). This famous seated asana can be practiced in a variety of ways. This class approaches the pose from a flowing vinyasa-style sequence. The fundamental knee and hip movements that are...

Key Poses

Padmasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana.


Mat, blanket.

Vinyasa Twists & Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 258

55 Min


Vinyasa twists and inversions. This dynamic, vinyasa-style sequence will be great for boosting energy and vitality. You can practice this class with minimal yoga equipment. Be guided through a movement based sequence that begins with surya namaskar and continues towards...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, arrdha matsyendrasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Unlock Your Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 257

40 Min


Unlock your upper back with this class. It features poses that will help to free up movement and unlock stiffness from your thoracic spine. Learn a variety of techniques incorporating blocks and chairs to help you access hard to reach...

Key Poses

Matsyasana (variations), ustrasana, urdhva dhanurasana (variations).


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Shoulder Opening Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 256

40 Min


Shoulder opening forward bends. This forward bend sequence will help to unlock stiffness from your shoulders and spine. It uses the leverage of a chair to target your shoulders and incorporate back releasing twisting movements into a series of key...

Key Poses

Paschimottanasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, upavista konasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets.

Gluteal Strengthening Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 255

35 Min


Yoga to strengthen your glutes. The upcoming class features a curated sequence of poses that will help to improve gluteal strength. The gluteals are a group of three muscles located in the buttock region. Maintaining strong gluteals can add stability...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana III, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, salabhasana, purvottanasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Back Care – Weekly Advanced Class 254

65 Min


Back Care. Yoga for your back. This week’s class features a comprehensive selection of back friendly poses. The class will help to improve spinal balance, mobility and strength. It will be beneficial for: individuals with back pain, people with asymmetries of...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, chair bharadvajasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, belt, blanket, 2 blocks.

Forward Bends, Inversions & Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 253

65 Min


Forward bends, inversions and balance. Forward bends are the primary focus of this class. An extended selection of poses from this asana group are included alongside inversions such as sirsasana and niralamba sarvangasana. The concept of balance is explored in...

Key Poses

Forward bends, utthita hasta padangusthasana, ubhaya padangusthasana, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, belt, blanket, 2 blocks.

Back Releasing Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 252

40 Min


This class features a sequence of back releasing twists. Standing twists, seated twists and chair twists are all included. In poses such as parivrtta parsvakonasana and bharadvajasana a chair is simultaneously used as an energy preserving support and also a...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, chair, belt, blanket, 2 blocks.

Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 251

65 Min


Boost your inversions with this class. This sequence takes an extended look at adho mukha vrksasana (handstand), pincha mayurasana (forearm balance), sirsasana (headstand) and sarvangasana (shoulderstand). In addition to the classical postures, the class guides you through; strengthening preparatory variations,...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, sirsasana, chair sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, belt, 3 blankets, 2 blocks.

Exploring Lines – Weekly Advanced Class 250

35 Min


This sequence will help you explore the straight lines that run deeply through a variety of related yoga poses. Whereas some asanas emphasise roundness or circular forms, this particular set of poses are more linear in nature. Whilst practicing these...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana I, bhekasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga Poses With Wall Support – Weekly Advanced Class 249

50 Min


Yoga poses with wall support. This class explores ways of using a wall to achieve a variety of outcomes in your yoga practice. A wall is a readily available yoga prop for most home yoga practitioners. It is also extremely...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana. 


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Extended Shoulder Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 248

70 Min


Take a deep dive into yoga poses for shoulders. This class features a comprehensive selection of poses that will help to improve the health of your shoulders. It contains shoulder related poses and therapeutic variations from multiple asana groups. The...

Key Poses

Vasisthasana, anantasana, baddhanguliyasana, garudasana, gomukhasana. 


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Express Chair Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 247

40 Min


Express backbends. This class lets you condense a comprehensive selection of backbends into a short time window. A yoga chair is the only yoga prop used in this easy to practice class. In addition to building momentum with your overall...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana and vrschikasana. 


Mat, chair, blankets.

Vinyasa Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 246

50 Min


Try this fun way of approaching standing and seated twists. This class explores twists from within a dynamic, vinyasa-style sequence. Each asana is woven into a chain of linked poses that includes tadasana, uttanasana, adho mukha svanasana and eka pada...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Extended Standing Poses & Inversions Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 245

70 Min


This class features an extended selection of standing poses and inversions. It uses minimal yoga props and emphasises classical alignment and instruction. Most of the poses from the standing asana group are featured in this complete practice. Though suitable for...

Key Poses

Standing poses, adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, sirsasana, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga For Stress & Anxiety – Weekly Advanced Class 244

80 Min


Yoga and pranayama to help combat stress and anxiety. This class guides you through a series of breath related yoga poses and basic pranayama. In addition to reducing stress and anxiety the class will also help to rejuvenate depleted energy...

Key Poses

Viparita karani, setu bandha sarvangasana, savasana, ujjayi pranayama.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Covering All Areas – Weekly Advanced Class 243

75 Min


A yoga practice that covers all areas. Each of the main asana groups are featured in this sequence. It targets your whole body and will be a great way of consolidating your entire yoga practice within the one 75 minute...

Key Poses

Poses from each asana group.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Backbends For The Upper Back & Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 242

60 Min


Backbends for your upper back and neck. This sequence will help to: correct rounding in your thoracic spine, relieve discomfort in your neck, and release tension from your shoulders and upper back. Problems associated with your neck and upper back...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, purvottanasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 241

45 Min


The standing twist parivrtta ardha chandrasana (revolved half moon pose) is the main focus of this class. This pose requires you to maintain your balance whilst simultaneously accessing hamstring and spinal mobility. This class isolates and trouble shoots each of...

Key Poses

Parivrtta ardha chandrasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 240

50 Min


Focus exclusively on inversions with this class. In addition to sirsasana (headstand) and sarvangasana (shoulderstand) the class also features pincha mayurasana (forearm balance) and adho mukha vrksasana (handstand). Some preparatory versions of each pose are also included. These preparatory variations...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, sarvangasana, pincha mayurasana, adho mukha vrksasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses With Wall Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 239

50 Min


This class features a full sequence of standing pose variations using a wall. A wall can be used for a variety of different outcomes. In a recent class we were using it to help preserve energy. This week we are...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 3 blocks.

Parighasana & Parivrtta Upavista Konasana – Weekly Advanced Class 238

50 Min


Parivrtta upavistha konasana and parighasana feature prominently in this class. These poses can help to improve mobility around the latissimus dorsi and quadratus lumborum regions. This can result in a wider range of advanced forward bends becoming more accessible. In...

Key Poses

Parighasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Shoulder Opening Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 237

40 Min


In this class we are featuring a shoulder opening sequence that will also benefit your wrists and neck. It includes some therapeutic poses and explores shoulder related adaptations from a variety of poses including adho mukha svanasana, pincha mayurasana and...

Key Poses

Adho mukha svanasana, pincha mayurasana, chair twists.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Menstruation – Weekly Advanced Class 236

75 Min


Yoga for menstruation. In this class we are featuring a sequence of poses that are commonly practiced by women from the Iyengar method during menstruation. It includes restorative poses that help to relax the abdominal region and soothe the nervous...

Key Poses

Supported standing poses, supported forward bends, reclining restorative poses.


Mat, chair, 2 bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Sciatica – Weekly Advanced Class 235

45 Min


Yoga for sciatica. Some people with lower back pain find that their discomfort is greater after extended periods of standing upright or sitting with poor postural alignment. It may be that particular body positions need to be avoided because they...

Key Poses

Pavanamuktasana, supta padangusthasana, malasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, belt.

Standing Poses For Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 234

60 Min


Try this sequence as a way of preparing your body for an extended session of seated twists, or use the class in isolation to release your back and improve spinal mobility. This class follows on from last weeks class where...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Standing Poses For Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 233

55 Min


This class approaches standing poses from the perspective of forward bends. It emphasises the common ground shared between these two asana groups. Try this sequence as a stand alone practice to lengthen your hamstrings and adductors, or use it as...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, ardha chandrasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, virabhadrasana III.


Mat, blanket, 3 blocks, belt.

Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 232

75 Min


This class features pranayama and breath awareness. It begins with restorative poses such as supta baddha konasana, setu bandha sarvangasana and viparita karani to open your chest and prepare you for a session of both reclining and seated pranayama. Once...

Key Poses

Viparita karani, setu bandha sarvangasana, ujjayi pranayama, viloma pranayama.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 231

60 Min


Chair backbends. This class will methodically guide you from chair backbend foundations through to more advanced variations suited to experienced students. In particular we will be consolidating dwi pada viparita dandasana. The class will highlight common prop usage and essential...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Vrschikasana – Weekly Advanced Class 230

25 Min


Vrschikasana (scorpion pose). This class highlights the similarities and differences between forearm balance (pincha mayurasana) and scorpion pose. It offers a step-by-step progression for linking one pose to the other. Vrschikasana is an advanced asana that combines aspects of both...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, block.

Restorative Chair Yoga – Weekly Advanced Class 229

55 Min


Restorative chair yoga. This sequence features a variety of chest opening restorative poses. The class will be great for helping you to relax and de-stress. It might be that you practice these poses because you are feeling lower in energy....

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, purvottanasana, viparita dandasana, niralamba sarvangasana, savasana. 


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 228

60 Min


Yoga poses for your neck, shoulders and upper back. Discomfort in your neck can originate from poor postural habits and restricted mobility in your upper back and shoulders. This class will help to free up movement in each of these...

Key Poses

Standing poses with shoulder harness, chair backbends.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts.

Standing Poses & Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 227

60 Min


Standing poses with inversions are the perfect way to re-energise your yoga practice. This class features a sequence of classical standing poses alongside a complete and balanced set of inversions. It relies on minimal yoga props and practical alternatives are...

Key Poses

Standing poses, adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, (bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt optional).

Forward Bends & Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 226

65 Min


Forward bends and inversions. This 65 minute practice is ideally suited to the end of the year when it is common to be experiencing lower than normal energy levels. The class will help to restore, revitalise and rebalance. It features...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, sirsasana, janu sirsasana, paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Lumbar Spine – Weekly Advanced Class 225

45 Min


Yoga for the lumbar spine. This class features a variety of therapeutic yoga poses that will help to improve the health of your lumbar spine. It will help to release tight or contracted muscles in your lower back. It will...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, pavana mukthasana, malasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Pincha Mayurasana – Weekly Advanced Class 224

30 Min


This class takes an in-depth look at pincha mayurasana (feathered peacock or forearm balance). In addition to deepening your understanding of this key inversion the class will also be great for improving upper body strength and shoulder mobility. It begins...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana.


Mat, chair, block, belt.

Restorative Chair Yoga – Weekly Advanced Class 223

50 Min


This restorative chair yoga class features a chest opening restorative sequence using a chair. It includes variations of poses such as supta baddha konasana, viparita dandasana, viparita karani and setu bandha sarvangasana. The class will help to open your chest,...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, viparita karani, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Upavista Konasana & Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 222

40 Min


This class features upavistha konasana and its variations parsva upavistha konasana and parivrtta upavistha konasana. Adaptations of trikonasana and parighasana are also included to help introduce and isolate key actions involved in each pose. Practiced together, this set of asanas...

Key Poses

Upavistha konasana, parsva upavistha konasana, parivrtta upavista konasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Backbends & Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 221

65 Min


This class features some chair backbends with variations that will help to unlock your upper back and shoulders. The class begins with some shoulder opening variations of standing poses that will help to prepare you for a session of chair...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana, trikonasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Supta Padangusthasana – Weekly Advanced Class 220

45 Min


This class takes an in-depth look at supta padangusthasana and its variations. It will be great for deepening your understanding of this extremely versatile pose. The class could be practiced after a session of backbends to release your back. As...

Key Poses

Supta padangusthasana 1,2,3 & 4.


Mat, bolster, blanket, block, belt. 

Yoga For The Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 219

65 Min


This class features yoga poses for your neck. It includes specific poses and variations that will help to release your neck and improve its range of motion. It also offers suggestions on how to modify or adapt poses that can...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, tadasana with belt harness, viparita dandasana, savasana.


Mat, 1 or 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts. . 

Bakasana (Crane/Crow Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 218

25 Min


Learn how to do bakasana with step-by-step instructions. This video explores bakasana (crane pose) and kakasana (crow pose) from the perspective of both beginners and more experienced students. The class begins with some preparatory variations using supports that will help...

Key Poses



Mat, bolster, 2 blocks, belt. 

Parivrtta Standing Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 217

40 Min


This class is based around the standing twists parivrtta trikonasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana. Some additional preparatory variations and complimentary poses are also included. The sequence will help to unlock stiffness in the thoracic spine and improve mobility in the muscles,...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks. 

Eka Hasta Bhujasana – Weekly Advanced Class 216

20 Min


Eka hasta bhujasana (elephant trunk pose) is the focus of this class. This arm balancing pose is excellent for improving overall body strength. It develops muscle groups associated with your arms, chest, abdomen and legs. This tutorial style class offers...

Key Poses

Eka hasta bhujasana.


Mat, 2 blocks. 

Yoga For Sleep – Weekly Advanced Class 215

50 Min


This class features a selection of relaxing restorative poses to help you get a deep and restful sleep. The sequence is designed to be suitable for practicing late in the evening or even directly before bedtime. It contains poses that...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, supported purvottanasana, chair sarvangasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt. 

Yoga For Calf Muscles – Weekly Advanced Class 214

40 Min


This class features a variety of poses that will target your calf muscles. The calves are comprised of two muscles situated at the back of the lower leg: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. These muscles can often be overlooked in...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, utkatasana, parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana I.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt. 

Backbends Using a Chair – Weekly Advanced Class 213

40 Min


Backbends using a chair. This class explores the fundamentals of chair backbends. In addition to consolidating the basics this class focuses on exploring ways of using a chair to improve your dwi pada viparita dandasana. This particular pose is broken...

Key Poses

Dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt. 

Yoga For Weight Loss – Weekly Advanced Class 212

30 Min


Yoga for weight loss. This class features a variety of abdominal strengthening asanas within a dynamic, vinyasa-style sequence. Each abdominal pose is alternated within a to and fro stepping action that includes tadasana, utkatasana, adho mukha svanasana and dandasana. In...

Key Poses

Paripurna navasana, urdhva prasarita padasana.



Sirsasana Free Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 211

40 Min


Sirsasana free balance. This class explores the key inversion sirsasana (headstand). It develops and expands upon some of the preliminary ideas from the accompanying Intermediate Class 211. It is intended for students who have already consolidated the foundations of headstand...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, sirsasana II.


Mat, chair, 3 blocks. 

Yoga For Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 210

60 Min


Yoga Poses to improve balance. This class features poses that help to heighten your sense of balance. It includes some challenging poses where balance needs to be consciously maintained as opposed to asanas where balance comes more naturally or automatically....

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, garudasana, vrksasana, utthita hasta padangusthasana.


Mat, block, belt. 

Yoga For Spondylolysis – Weekly Advanced Class 209

25 Min


Nine poses to bring relief to an aching lower back. This class features poses that avoid excessive arching in the lumbar spine. There may be a variety of reasons why you need to avoid overarching your lower back. It may...

Key Poses

Adho mukha virasana, pavanamuktasan, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt. 

Total Body – Weekly Advanced Class 208

70 Min


This class features a total body sequence that includes poses from each of the main asana groups. It runs for a longer time duration and includes a variety of inversions, standing poses, forward bends, backbends, twists and restorative poses. It...

Key Poses

Standing poses, forward bends, backbends, restorative, miscellaneous.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Lower Back Support – Weekly Advanced Class 207

50 Min


This class explores ways of supporting and protecting your lumbar spine in a variety of poses that can be potentially problematic for your lower back. The lumbar spine can simultaneously contribute mobility and weight bearing strength to the whole body....

Key Poses

Sirsasana, ustrasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana – Weekly Advanced Class 206

40 Min


This class features a sequence based around urdhva prasarita eka padasana. It includes standing forward bends and preparatory variations that are directly related to this pose. In addition to being a great pose to focus on in isolation, it is...

Key Poses

Urdhva prasarita eka padasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana – Weekly Advanced Class 205

35 Min


This class will help you to gain new insights into the standing pose parivrtta parsvakonasana. This pose features a deep lateral rotation of the vertebral column and its associated muscles, tendons and ligaments. This twisting movement is great for improving...

Key Poses

Parivrtta parsvakonasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks.

Restorative Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 204

65 Min


Restorative forward bends. Here is a sequence of supported standing poses and calming forward bends to help you physically and mentally relax. Props such as bolsters and chairs assist you to remain for extended periods of time, with reduced muscular...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, janu sirsasana, upavista konasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, belt.

Shoulder Traction – Weekly Advanced Class 203

40 Min


This class will target your shoulders and help to give relief from problems such as rotator cuff impingement and shoulder bursitis. It contains a number of poses, variations and adaptations that will help to create space for the muscles and...

Key Poses

Adho mukha virasana, parsvottanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, dowling, belt.

Standing Pose Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 202

50 Min


This class features an extended sequence of standing poses. Standing poses can be used in conjunction with most of the other asana groups. They can prepare your body for a session of backbends, isolate actions that lead towards forward bends...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, virabhadrasana 2 & 3, ardha chandrasana, parsvottanasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Chair Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 201

50 Min


This forward bend sequence will help to unlock stiffness from your spine and shoulders. It uses the leverage of a chair to incorporate back releasing twisting movements into a series of key forward bends. Each pose is taught with an...

Key Poses

Paschimottanasana, upavista konasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Stress Relief – Weekly Advanced Class 200

45 Min


Yoga for stress relief. This 45 minute class features supported inversions and restorative chest opening poses. The sequence will help to calm your nervous system and release tension from the diaphragm region. It will be well suited to times when...

Key Poses

Viparita karani.


 Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Weekly Advanced Class 199

35 Min


Urdhva mukha svanasana (upward facing dog pose) is a great pose for lifting energy and preparing your body for a session of backbends. It is commonly practiced in conjunction with other backbending asanas. It can however be helpful to sometimes...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Vinyasa Hips & Glutes – Weekly Advanced Class 198

45 Min


Vinyasa hips and glutes. This class features a dynamic vinyasa-style sequence. It includes poses that will target your glutes, hamstrings and hips. Each pose alternates with a to-and-fro stepping action that passes through tadasana, uttanasana and adho mukha svanasana. The...

Key Poses

Tadasana, uttanasana, adho mukha svanasana, eka pada raja kapotasana.



Restorative and Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 197

80 Min


Body, mind and breath. This class on features restorative yoga and pranayama. It will help you to restore strength, health and well being. The class includes supported poses, therapeutic poses and reclining chest opening poses to help promote relaxation and...

Key Poses

Setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 196

50 Min


Twists are the main focus of this class. It will be a great sequence for helping to improve the health of your back. A wide variety of yoga poses require access to spinal rotation. Twists from standing, seated and reclining...

Key Poses

Parivrtta parsvakonasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana 3.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Whole Body Yoga – Weekly Advanced Class 195

55 Min


This class features an assortment of asanas that have been selected from most of the main pose categories. The sequence will be ideal for improving and maintaining the full spectrum of your asana practice. It includes a selection of standing...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, sirsasana, krounchasana, paripurna navasana, viparita karani.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Standing Pose Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 194

45 Min


This class features a comprehensive selection of standing poses. Whether you are located in the southern hemisphere and looking to rebuild your home yoga practice momentum after a summer break, or wanting a warming mid-winter sequence in the northern hemisphere,...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Supta Virasana – Weekly Advanced Class 193

25 Min


This class features an in-depth look at supta virasana (reclining hero pose). Supta virasana is a versatile pose that can be practiced in a variety of ways. It can revitalise tired legs after extended periods on your feet. With the...

Key Poses

Supta virasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Bedtime Yoga – Weekly Advanced Class 192

45 Min


Bedtime yoga sequence. This sequence will be ideal for the end of a hard day. It is also perfectly suited to the end of a hard year. Here is a short sequence that will help to combat fatigue. It will...

Key Poses

Chair sarvangasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, bolster, 2 blankets, belt.

Paschimottanasana – Weekly Advanced Class 191

40 Min


This class features the seated forward bend paschimottanasana. It includes preparatory poses and variations that help to make this key forward bending asana more accessible. It also explores ways of developing the pose in the direction of the more challenging...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Release & Relax – Weekly Advanced Class 190

40 Min


This rejuvenating practice helps to strengthen your leg muscles, open your chest and free up your hips, whilst maximising space around the abdominal region. It will be perfectly suited to times when you are feeling tired or low in energy....

Key Poses

Supta virasana, uttanasana, ardha chandrasana, parsvottanasana, upavita konasana, savasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Yoga For Hip Bursitis – Weekly Advanced Class 189

40 Min


This class features poses that target your hip flexors, IT band, piriformis and gluteals. Improving mobility in these areas can be helpful for yoga practitioners suffering from conditions like hip bursitis. Hip bursitis results from inflammation in the bursa, or...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, gomukhasana preparation.


Mat, chair, blanket.

Standing Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 188

50 Min


Practicing forward bends from a standing position can be an effective way of bypassing restrictions associated with stiff hips or knees. This class explores forward bends from the perspective of standing positions. Whilst standing you will often have added freedom...

Key Poses

Padangusthasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks.

Urdhva Dhanurasana – Weekly Advanced Class 187

35 Min


Improving shoulder mobility in urdhva dhanurasana. For urdhva dhanurasana to be a balanced pose it needs simultaneous mobility from multiple regions of the body. The ability to spread the workload of the pose among the legs, lower back, upper back,...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks.

Marichyasana III – Weekly Advanced Class 186

25 Min


Marichyasana 3. Twists can be great poses for maintaining and improving spinal mobility. They are also great for releasing and lengthening the muscles associated with your back. Twists can also target your shoulders. Shoulder mobility is often required to work...

Key Poses

Marichyasana 3.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belts.

Parivrtta Trikonasana – Weekly Advanced Class 185

35 Min


This class features an in-depth look at the standing pose parivrtta trikonasana.  It explores key actions and troubleshoots common problems that may arise when practicing the pose. In addition to deepening your understanding of this standing twist the class will...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks.

Viparita Dandasana Bench – Weekly Advanced Class 184

40 Min


This class features a sequence based around using a viparita dandasana bench, (or backbender). The class explores the basics of how to use this support for practicing viparita dandasana. It troubleshoots common problems and includes tips for creating a balanced...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana.


Mat, viparita dandasana box, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Supported Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 183

50 Min


Supported backbends. This short sequence lets you ease directly into a backbend practice without needing to first transition through a variety of preparatory poses. It will open your shoulders and thoracic spine whilst heading in the direction of urdhva dhanurasana. ...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Quadriceps Mobility & Strength – Weekly Advanced Class 182

45 Min


Adding knee care to your home yoga practice can be done in a variety of ways. Strengthening the muscles that support the knee can be a great starting point. Improving mobility in these same muscles can also be really helpful....

Key Poses

Utkatasana, virabhadrasana 2 & 1, eka pada rajakapotasana, bhekasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Standing Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 181

40 Min


This class features a sequence based around standing twists. The three key standing poses parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana form the basis of the class. Some additional asanas and variations are also included to help prepare your...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Gluteal Strengthening Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 180

60 Min


This class features poses that help to improve gluteal strength. The gluteals are a group of three muscles located in the buttock region. Maintaining strong gluteals can help to stabilise your thigh bones and prevent knee strain in a variety...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana 1 & 3, salabhasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, bolster, belt.

Kurmasana & Tittibhasana – Weekly Advanced Class 179

40 Min


This class explores links between hip opening poses like kurmasana and arm balancing poses like dwi hasta bhujasana and tittibhasana. In addition to demanding overall body strength these arm balances also require hip mobility. The ability to access hip movement...

Key Poses

Akarna dhanurasana, upavista konasana, kurmasana, dwi hasta bhujasana, tittibhasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, belt.

Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 178

70 Min


Balance is the common thread that runs through each of the poses from this class. It features a variety of poses that will help to heighten your sense of balance. The ability to maintain balance in a yoga pose is dependent...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, vrksasana, garadasana, utthita hasta padangusthasana, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Hamstrings – Weekly Advanced Class 177

50 Min


Hamstrings and forward bends. This class explores the connection between hamstring mobility and the position of the pelvis whilst bending forwards. Balancing these two areas can help to bring a healthy alignment to your spine in forward bending asanas. Both...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, parsvottanasana, paschimottanasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Chair Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 176

60 Min


This class features a sequence of chair backbends. The chair is used as a support for a number of poses such as ustrasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana and urdhva dhanurasana. In addition to helping with energy preservation...

Key Poses

Ustrasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Kyphosis – Weekly Advanced Class 175

65 Min


Yoga to prevent kyphosis. Kyphosis involves an excessive forward curvature of the spine leading towards rounding or hunching in the upper back. Poor postural habits, sedentary lifestyle and prolonged periods sitting in front of computers can make you more susceptible...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, salabhasana, purvottanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Quadratus Lumborum – Weekly Advanced Class 174

55 Min


This class features poses that target the quadratus lumborum. Although categorised as an abdominal muscle the quadratus lumborum is situated in the lower back either side of the lumbar spine. It connects to both the lowest rib and the top...

Key Poses

Parighasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Piriformis – Weekly Advanced Class 173

45 Min


Yoga to stretch and relax the piriformis muscle. This class on Yoga Selection features a sequence of poses that will help to both lengthen and relax the piriformis muscle. The piriformis is positioned deep in the buttock region. It sits...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, bolsters.

Chair Sarvangasana – Weekly Advanced Class 172

20 Min


Chair sarvangasana and variations. This class features a tutorial-style overview of chair sarvangasana. It also includes some variations that are related to this pose as well as some complementary inversions such as niralamba sarvangasana. Each pose in the sequence is...

Key Poses

Chair sarvangasana, niralamba sarvangasna.


Mat, 2 chairs, blanket, bolster.

Twists & Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 171

40 Min


Forward bends and twists with wall support. This class makes use of a wall to help access deep, back releasing twists in a variety of yoga poses. The standing twists parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana are all...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta paschimottanasana, marichyasana 3..


Mat, chair, blanket, block.

Pincha Mayurasana – Weekly Advanced Class 170

40 Min


Pincha mayurasana (forearm balance).This class takes an in-depth look at pincha mayurasana. It features a sequence that begins with preparatory variations of the pose that strengthen and introduce key concepts. It then explores more advanced methods of refining the final...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana.


Mat, belt, block.

Padmasana – Weekly Advanced Class 169

40 Min


Padmasana can be practiced in a variety of ways. Rather than holding static positions for long time durations this class approaches the pose from a flowing vinyasa-style sequence. The fundamental knee and hip movements that are specific to padmasana are...

Key Poses

Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana, padmasana.



Backbends With Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 168

60 Min


This class features a classic sequence of backbends balanced with inversions. It forms a complete yoga practice. The class is well suited to yoga at home. None of the poses rely on specialist yoga equipment. Each pose is approached from...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Forward Bends Knee Care – Weekly Advanced Class 167

45 Min


Forward bends and knee care. Forward bends are often challenging for people working with knee difficulties. Asanas that require deep kneeling or cross leg variations that simultaneously flex and twist the knee joint are commonly problematic. In a yoga class...

Key Poses

Janu sirsasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana, malasana, marichyasana 1.


Mat, bolster, blanket, small cloth for rolling, 2 belts, 2 blocks.

Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 166

55 Min


Improve your shoulder mobility with this short sequence. This class contains a sequence of poses that focus exclusively on your shoulders. This simple but effective class is well suited to home yoga practitioners. It does not rely on any specialised...

Key Poses

Anantasana, vasisthasana, gomukhasana.


Mat, chair.

Dynamic Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 165

55 Min


This class features a variety of asanas from the standing pose group in a dynamic sequence that emphasises movement and motion. The transitional movements of changing from one pose to another are treated with the same importance as the eventual...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, virabhadrasana 1,2 & 3, parsvakonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.



Arm Balances – Weekly Advanced Class 164

40 Min


Arm balances are great yoga poses for strengthening your whole body. As the name implies this group of poses will target your arms and wrists, but in addition to this, your abdominal muscles, legs and most of the other main...

Key Poses

Vasisthasana, bakasana, eka hasta bhujasana, dwi hasta bhujasana, bhujapidasana, titibasana.



Chair Yoga Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 163

50 Min


Chair yoga sequence. A chair is the only prop used in this weeks class. A specific yoga chair is used in this video but many regular domestic chairs could also be utilised. A variety of poses are explored in the...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, vrschikasana, chair bharadvajasana.


Mat, chair, blanket.

Lifting Into Headstand With Straight Legs – Weekly Advanced Class 162

35 Min


Lifting into headstand with straight legs. Learning to do a headstand (sirsasana) for the first time can bring a huge sense of accomplishment. Getting to this point will often mean confronting insecurities and overcoming fear. In addition to any other...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, block.

Yoga For Depression & Anxiety – Weekly Advanced Class 161

60 Min


Yoga for anxiety and depression. Forward bends are great poses for soothing your nervous system. On both a mental and physical level they can leave you feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed. This can be helpful during times when you are...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, chair sarvangasana, virasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, parsva upavista konasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, blankets.

Standing Poses With Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 160

75 Min


When everything around us is in flux it is reassuring to return to the stability and familiarity of the standing pose group. This weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection includes a classic sequence of standing poses and inversions. It will...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana, ardha chandrasana, viabhadrasana 1 & 2, parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, prasarita padottanasana .


Mat, bolster, blanket.

Yoga For The Immune System – Weekly Advanced Class 159

70 Min


Yoga to help boost your immune system. The Iyengar method has an extensive range of poses to draw upon during times when you are looking to boost your resilience against infections. We are all currently dealing with high levels of...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, viparita dandasana, chair sarvangasana, niralamba sarvangasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Knee Care – Weekly Advanced Class 158

45 Min


A yoga sequence that helps to improve the health of your knees can include a wide range of asanas and variations. Poses that strengthen the muscles that support your knees are a great starting point. This can help to protect...

Key Poses

Utkatasana, vajrasana, bhekasana


Mat, 4 blocks, 2 blankets.

Chest Opening & Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 157

60 Min


Pranayama. Breathing in then breathing out is a repetitive pattern that is constantly with us. For much of the time we are oblivious to this pattern. It repeats in the background whilst we focus on other concerns. If we make...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, ujjayi pranayama, viloma pranayama.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Abdominals – Weekly Advanced Class 156

35 Min


Abdominal strengthening poses can be included in a home yoga practice in a variety of ways. This class explores how this group of poses can be used to strengthen the muscles in your lower back as well as your abdomen. The...

Key Poses

Ardha navasana, paripurna navasana, urdhva mukha paschimottanasana 1 & 2.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, belt, blanket.

Towards Vrschikasana – Weekly Advanced Class 155

60 Min


Work your upper back and shoulders in this weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection. The class will extend on some of the ideas from this weeks “Thoracic Spine” intermediate class and gives experienced students the option of taking things further....

Key Poses

Supta virasana, paryankasana, viparita dandasana, vrschikasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, belt, 2 blankets.

Open And Closed Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 154

55 Min


The action of turning your torso from an open to closed twisting position can create links between a number of related asanas. This weeks class highlights how poses can be connected in a home practice yoga sequence via this twisting...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, marichyasana 3, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, belt, 2 blankets.

Changing Perspectives On Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 153

55 Min


Forward bends are poses that are often modified to accommodate stiffness, injury and ailments. This does not mean that this group of poses are practiced in a rigid, predetermined way at other times. Changing perspective with forward bends can help...

Key Poses

Janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, paryankasana, upavista konasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, bolster, 2 blankets, belt.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) – Weekly Advanced Class 152

40 Min


Build strength and balance while you work on your adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) in this weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection. The class follows a sequence of stages that progressively build from preparatory variations introducing key actions, through to techniques...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, 2 bolsters (or cushions), belt, blanket.

Vinyasa Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 151

40 Min


This class features a vinyasa-style class focusing on twists. It is a dynamic sequence incorporating movement and breath awareness. Surya namaskar is practiced at regular intervals during the class. It is used as a transition movement to link each of...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, surya namaskar, bharadvajasana, marichyasana.


Mat, blanket.

Pincha Mayurasana – Weekly Advanced Class 150

45 Min


Pincha mayurasana (forearm balance) is the sole focus of the upcoming advanced class on Yoga Selection. The class explores a full spectrum of variations ranging from preparatory positions that focus on foundation techniques, through to more advanced approaches aimed at...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, belt.

Restorative Chest Opening Poses – Weekly Advanced 149



Key Poses



Restorative Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced 148

50 Min


Release, relax and restore with the upcoming advanced class on Yoga Selection. The class features soothing forward bends in a restorative-style yoga sequence. A smaller selection of forward bends and chest opening poses are included in the sequence. Each pose...

Key Poses

Janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, upavista konasana, paschimottanasana.


Mat, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Poses To Release A Tight Lower Back – Weekly Advanced Class 147

45 Min


Get relief from back pain with this weeks class. Featuring a sequence to release a tight or sore lower back, the class includes a variety of therapeutic poses. Some of the poses aim to create gentle traction in the lower...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana, pavanamuktasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, block, belt.

Eka Hasta Bhujasana & Dwi Hasta Bhujasana – Weekly Advanced Class 146

20 Min


This weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection is a shorter duration 20 minute video exploring the arm balancing poses eka hasta bhujasana and dwi hasta bhujasana. Each asana is broken down into clearly defined stages that progressively build from initial...

Key Poses

Eka hasta bhujasana, dwi hasta bhujasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Twists & Gluteals – Weekly Advanced Class 145

50 Min


This weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection shares common themes and poses with its companion intermediate class. Many of the piriformis lengthening poses from the intermediate class are also included here but are put in context with a broader range...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, bharadvajasana, marich


Mat, chair, blanket, block, belt.

Quadriceps & Hamstrings – Weekly Advanced Class 144

50 Min


This class includes some poses that work deeply into the quadriceps and hip flexors. Improving mobility in these muscles can have some general benefits such as helping to improve posture and reducing the risk of of injury to knees and...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, supta virasana, bhekasana, hanumanasana.


Mat, bolster, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana – Weekly Advanced Class 143

60 Min


This weeks advanced class features the backbend dwi pada viparita dandasana. It explores one way of approaching the pose via a series of methodically linked chair backbends. Key aspects of the pose are gradually introduced in clearly defined stages. The...

Key Poses

Dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, bolster, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga Poses To Relieve a Headache – Weekly Advanced Class 142

40 Min


This 40 minute video focuses on poses that will help to relieve headaches. The class includes some approaches that are commonly used in the Iyengar method for helping to ease headaches. It shares methods such as wrapping a bandage around...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, pavanamuktasana, savasana.


Mat, 2 bolsters, 2 chairs, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

90 Minute Standing Pose Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 141

90 Min


This weeks advanced class focuses on standing poses. The sequence comprehensively covers most of the main poses from this group. It also includes a full repertoire of inverted poses including sirsasana and sarvangasana variations. This complete, balanced practice is intended...

Key Poses

Standing poses, sirsasana, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Vinyasa Sequence With Standing Poses, Forward Bends & Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 140

60 Min


This weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection is a faster paced vinyasa style sequence incorporating standing poses, forward bends and twists. The class is not dependent on specialist yoga equipment. It can be practiced using only a single blanket. This...

Key Poses

Surya Namaskar, parivrtta trikonasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, krounchasana, marichyasana 3.


Mat, blanket.

Standing Poses & Shoulder Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 139

35 Min


This class contains a standing pose sequence that has been adapted with variations to help open your shoulders and improve wrist mobility. Many of the poses emphasise an arm rotation with a reversed hand position. This action also helps to...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana, parsvottanasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Yoga Poses For The Rotator Cuff and Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 138

45 Min


The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles in the shoulder region that start from the shoulder blade and attach to the upper arm bone. Injuries to this area can be very painful and can cause significant restriction in...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, gomukhasana, chair bharadvajasana, ustrasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, blanket, belt.

Restorative Yoga With Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 137

80 Min


This weeks class focuses on restorative yoga poses and eventually heads in the direction of breath awareness and pranayama. Some restorative poses are included to relax the body, open the chest and help create a smooth and even breath rhythm....

Key Poses

Sukhasana, cross bolsters viparita dandasana, ujjayi pranayama.


Mat, bolster, chair, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Backbends For The Thoracic Spine – Weekly Advanced Class 136

40 Min


This weeks class features backbends that target the upper back. Paryankasana is featured in the first section of the class. Blocks are commonly used in this pose to help open the chest and upper back. In addition to blocks this...

Key Poses

Paryankasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, bhujangasana, ustrasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, blanket, belt.

Whole Body – Weekly Advanced Class 135

50 Min


This class covers multiple pose groups and targets multiple areas of the body. It will be well suited to busy periods in your life when time does not guarantee you the luxury of a balanced daily practice. The class includes...

Key Poses

virabhadrasana 2, vajarasana, paschimottanasana, urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Ardha Chandrasana – Weekly Advanced Class 134



Key Poses



Pincha Mayurasana – Weekly Advanced Class 133

35 Min


This tutorial-style class features pincha mayurasana (forearm balance). Initially the sequence is comprised of preliminary poses that will help to introduce key pincha mayurasana actions for less experienced students, whilst consolidating strength and stability for people with more experience. The...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana.


Mat, chair, 4 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Parivrtta Upavista Konasana & Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana – Weekly Advanced Class 132

55 Min


This class works towards the twisting forward bends parivrtta janu sirsasana and parivrtta upavista konasana. In addition to being great back releasing poses, these asanas can also target your hamstrings, latissimus and shoulders. When practicing these poses it can be...

Key Poses

Parivrtta upavista konasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, belt.

Vinyasa Sequence With Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 131

35 Min


This class approaches standing poses from a different perspective. When practicing yoga at home it is important to keep your sequences fresh and interesting. Yoga poses are often presented with a systematic structure in yoga studios. This is well suited...

Key Poses

Standing poses.



Backbends For Shoulders & Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 130

60 Min


This class approaches urdhva dhanurasana from the perspective of experienced practitioners with an ongoing, regular backbend practice. Some variations are included that will give you improved access to your shoulders and upper back whilst in the pose. Gaining mobility in...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 129

55 Min


Hamstring lengthening forward bends are the main focus of this class. Rather than working across the full spectrum of poses in the forward bend group, this class concentrates mainly on triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana. In addition to lengthening hamstrings, this pose...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, krounchasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses With Supported Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 128

60 Min


Build strength, stability and balance with standing poses in this week’s advanced class. In addition to other poses, most of the main standing twists feature in this sequence. These poses require a fusion of spinal rotation in balance with movements...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonanasa, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrrta parsvakonasana, viparita dandasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 3 blocks, belt.

Yoga Poses For The Neck & Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 127

70 Min


Yoga poses for your neck and upper back. Discomfort in your neck and upper back can originate from poor postural habits and prolonged slouching in chairs and desks. This class will help to recondition the muscles in the upper back...

Key Poses

Supta urdhva hastasana, viparita dandasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 3 blocks, belt.

Hips – Weekly Advanced Class 126

60 Min


Generally we tend to think of seated poses and forward bends as being effective in terms of hip opening yoga poses. This weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection shows how some of the backbend variations can also be used to...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, hanumanasana, vamadevasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 3 blocks, belt.

Shoulders, Neck & Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 125

55 Min


This class integrates shoulder opening poses with standing poses, forward bends and twists. It gives you the opportunity to focus on improving shoulder mobility without resorting to a purely therapeutic sequence that is removed from your regular practice. If you...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, virabhadrasana 1, janu sirsasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Bakasana From Sirsasana 2 – Weekly Advanced Class 124

25 Min


Bakasana is the sole focus of this weeks advanced class on Yoga Selection. The pose is featured in our tutorial style video that follows on from last weeks work with arm balances. Techniques from last weeks class are further explored...

Key Poses

Bakasana, sirsasana 2.



Arm Balances – Weekly Advanced Class 123

60 Min


Arm balances are the main focus of this weeks class. They can be daunting poses to engage with. For some students they can feel impossible! However, persevering with a range different angles and approaches ultimately leads to progress. Making headway...

Key Poses

Eka hasta bhujasana, dwi hasta bhujasana, bhujapidasana, tittibhasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks.

Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 122

45 Min


Twists are the main focus of this weeks class. The sequence features a full range of standing and seated twists including key asanas such as parivrtta parsvakonasana, marichyasana III and ardha matsyendrasana. The latter part of the class focuses on...

Key Poses

Parivrtta parsvakonasana, marichyasana III, ardha matsyendrasana, pasasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Key Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 121

45 Min


This class guides you through a series of key Iyengar Yoga backbends including dwi pada viparita dandasana, urdhva dhanurasana and vrschikasana. Emphasis is given to entering each pose in clearly defined, methodical stages. Rather than prioritising the final position, each...

Key Poses

Dwi pada viparita dandasana, urdhva dhanurasana, vrschikasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 120

50 Min


Standing poses are the main focus of this class. Most of the main poses from this asana group are included. Some poses are given a conventional treatment whilst others are adapted in order to highlight particular techniques, or to focus...

Key Poses

Most poses from the standing asana group.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Quadriceps & Vamadevasana – Weekly Advanced Class 119

40 Min


Poses that lengthen the  psoas and quadriceps are the focus of this weeks advanced class. The class may be beneficial if you are wanting to focus on these particular regions of the body, but will also be of interest to...

Key Poses

Vamadevasana, bhekasana, supta virasana.


Mat, blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Virabhadrasana 3 & Parivrtta Upavista Konasana – Weekly Advanced Class 118

55 Min


This class is centred around the poses virabhdrasana III and parivrtta upavista konasana. Several variations of virabhadrasana III are used as preparatory poses to lead towards forward bends. This pose is then developed towards parivrtta ardha chandrasana before heading towards...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana III, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta upavista konasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 117

60 Min


This class explores “balance” across a range of different yoga poses. Humans instinctively reach their arms out to the sides when trying to maintain balance. This intuitive action spreads more of our body mass away from our pivot point and...

Key Poses

Pincha mayurasana, adho mukha vrksasana, vrksasana, vasisthasana, anantasana, niralamba sayvangasana.


Mat, 2 bolsters, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Rope Sirsasana & Chair Sarvangasana – Weekly Advanced Class 116

40 Min


This class includes rope sirsasana, followed by some chest opening rope 2 variations, and then heads in the direction of chair sarvangasana. Chatushpadasana is used as a transition pose to both build on the chest opening rope variations, and prepare...

Key Poses

Rope sirsasana, rope 2, chatushpadasana, chair sarvangasana.


Mat, ropes, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 115

65 Min


This class features the backbends urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, kapotasana and vrschikasana. Props such as yoga chairs, bolsters and belts are used throughout the class. Some preparatory stages of these poses are included in addition to more challenging...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana I, eka pada rajakapotasana, urdhva dhanurasana, kapotasana, vrschikasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Knees, Quadriceps & Hip Flexors – Weekly Advanced Class 114

45 Min


This class concentrates on poses that help to improve mobility in the quadriceps and hip flexors. A variety of asanas are used to access these areas including standing poses, backbends and forward bends. The class will also be helpful for...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana I, eka pada rajakapotasana, bhekasana, virasana, supta virasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Paschimottanasana & Advanced Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 113

55 Min


This class features the forward bend paschimottanasana. The pose is explored as an end in itself, but is also used as an entry point into the more challenging related poses, urdhva mukha paschimottanasana and parivrtta paschimottanasana. The class will be...

Key Poses

Paschimottanasana, urdhva mukha paschimottanasana, parivrtta paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts.

Knee Care & Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 112

50 Min


This class heads in the direction of backbends but with a particular emphasis on leg alignment, and knee care. Some commonly practiced Iyengar Yoga therapeutic poses are included in the sequence. Classical poses such as Virabhadrasana I and II are...

Key Poses

Utkatasana, vrksasana, virabhadrasana I & II, urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Using a Wall To Release Your Spine – Weekly Advanced Class 111

50 Min


This class focuses on poses that will help to release tension from your spine. Adaptations and variations are included that will assist you to improve mobility in the spine itself and its associated muscles. This type of practice can help...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, janu sirsasana, upavista konasana, ardha matsyendrasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Shoulders & Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 110

55 Min


This class focuses on shoulder opening poses and twists. This pairing of shoulders and twists can be complementary. For people working with restricted shoulder mobility, an improved range of motion can often be found from the perspective of twists. Poor...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, vasisthasana, parivrtta trikonasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Forward Bends & Twists 90 Minute Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 109

90 Min


This class is the first in our series of longer duration 90 minute classes. This time frame allows sufficient time to fully explore a full range of poses. This particular class focuses on forward bends and twists. Basic forward bending...

Key Poses

Baddha konasana, janu sirsasana, paschimottanasana, ubbaya padangusthasana, krounchasana, parsva upavista konasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses Using a Wall – Weekly Advanced Class 108

55 Min


This class returns to the basic principles of standing poses, and explores fundamental actions and techniques with the support of a wall. Each pose incorporates the wall in a specific way to achieve a desired effect. A wall is often...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, virabhadrasana II, parsvakonasana, ardha chandrasana, parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, prasarita padottanasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Wrists, Shoulders & Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 107

55 Min


In this weeks advanced class we are working on wrists and shoulders from the perspective of backbends. In the early section of the class some challenging variations of adho mukha svanasana are used to help improve wrist mobility. These poses...

Key Poses

Adho mukha svanasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 3 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Strength – Weekly Advanced Class 106

60 Min


This week our advanced class features yoga poses for strength and resilience. These poses can be a good starting point if you are looking to harness and focus a sense of stability and determination. There can be times when you...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, chaturanga dandasana, bakasana, purvottanasana, urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Hamstrings & Adductors – Weekly Advanced Class 105

45 Min


This class gives experienced students an opportunity to focus on poses that target the hamstrings and adductors. For many people these muscles can be tight and resistant to change. It is often an area that tends to become neglected or...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, paschimottanasana, upavista konasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Virabhadrasana III & Related Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 104

65 Min


This weeks advanced class is a companion to the Weekly Intermediate Class 104. It also explores virabhadrasana III but from the perspective of more experienced students. Key actions from the pose are isolated and explored from a variety of positions....

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana III.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Abdominals – Weekly Advanced Class 103

30 Min


This class includes yoga poses that will help to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Although often referred to as “abdominals” these poses are also great for strengthening the muscles located in the lower back, and pelvis. Improving combined strength in these...

Key Poses

Paripurna navasana, ardha navasana, pavana muktasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, belt.

Dropping Back – Weekly Advanced Class 102

50 Min


This backbend class works with variations of the poses kapotasana and urdhva dhanurasana. Both poses are approached from the perspective of “dropping back”. A wall is used as a support for your hands to walk in both a downward and...

Key Poses

Ustrasana, kapotasana, urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga Poses For The Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 101

60 Min


This sequence focuses on improving the range of motion in the neck region. From a yoga perspective, a good starting point for improving the health of the neck, is to improve the mobility of the thoracic spine. Many of the...

Key Poses

Paryankasana, uttanasana, belt harness tadasana, dwi pada viarita dandasana, neck traction savasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 4 blankets, 3 blocks, 2 belts.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Sirsasana & Niralamba Sarvangasana – Weekly Advanced Class 100

35 Min


This class focuses exclusively on the inversions adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana and niralamba sarvangasana. The early part of the sequence includes variations of the “bunny hop” handstand. The pose is explored initially with the assistance of bolsters, and then without...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, belt.

Restorative Yoga With Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 99

65 Min


This weeks class follows the breath movements of the diaphragm through various restorative asanas. In a number of the poses a bolster is positioned against the front of the torso to heighten the feedback from the diaphragm region during inhalation...

Key Poses

Janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, upavista konasana, pascimottanasana, viloma pranayama.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets.

Chair Kapotasana – Weekly Advanced Class 98

50 Min


This class explores supported versions of ustrasana, kapotasana and vrschikasana. These potentially strenuous backbends are adapted so that they can be held for a longer period of time with an emphasis on softening and releasing. Despite a more stationary approach...

Key Poses

ustrasana, kapotasana, vrschikasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets.

Chair Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 97

50 Min


This class uses a chair to assist with forward bends. The forward bending group of poses commonly opens the hips, hamstrings and adductors. In addition to this, the use of a chair can help to give forward bends more of...

Key Poses

janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, paschimottanasana, upavista konasana.


Mat, chair, blankets.

Standing Twists With Wall Support – Weekly Advanced Class 96

40 Min


This class begins with a gradual progression towards pada hastasana. Initially pada gulphasana is practiced in both its final and concave spine positions. This leads towards padangusthasana, and then pada hastasana. From there the class progresses towards the three main...

Key Poses

Pada hastasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks

Yoga Poses For The IT Band – Weekly Advanced Class 95

50 Min


This class includes a sequence of poses that will help to improve mobility in the iliotibial band, quadriceps and gluteal region. The IT band is a length of fibrous connective tissue that runs down the outside of the thighs. It...

Key Poses

Supta virasana, paryankasana, hanumanasana, eka pada rajakapotasana i & II, supta padangusthasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Ujjayi Pranayama Stages 1 to 8 – Weekly Advanced Class 94

35 Min


This class explores ujjayi pranayama. In ujjayi pranayama both inhalation and exhalation are consciously deepened and lengthened. In his book “Light on Pranayama” B.K.S. Iyengar methodically presents ujjayi breathing in 13 distinct stages. The first eight of these stages are...

Key Poses

Savasana, ujjayi pranayama


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets

Iyengar Yoga Backbend Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 93

60 Min


This backbend class is the third in our series of four “Pune cycle” classes. It follows a typically Iyengar approach to sequencing. Initially standing poses that share common techniques with backbends are explored. From there you work from adho mukha...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, urdhva dhanurasana, ustrasana, dwi pada viprita dandasana, ardha halasana


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Iyengar Yoga Forward Bend Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 92

55 Min


This class is the second in our series of four “Pune cycle” classes. When complete, this set of classes will cover each of the main pose groups from standing poses, to forward bends, backbends, and then pranayama. Appropriate inversions will...

Key Poses

Upavista konasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, paschimottanasana., bharadvajasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Iyengar Yoga Standing Pose Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 91

55 Min


This weeks advanced class is a longer duration video incorporating standing poses and inversions. The class emphasises classical Iyengar alignment and instruction. The sequence is a comprehensive presentation of the standing asana group. It will be a rigorous, challenging class...

Key Poses

Standing poses, sirsasana, sarvangasana.


Mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Whole Body – Weekly Advanced Class 90

70 Min


This class works it’s way through several different regions of the body. It is an ideal “maintenance” class for your home practice that includes poses from a number of different pose groups. Initially utthita hasta padangusthasana lets you simultaneously improve...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, paryankasana, bhekasana, purvottanasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Sirsasana & Sarvangasana Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 89

30 Min


One of the many benefits that comes from a healthy home yoga practice is that you are able to practice particular poses at the time of day to which they are best suited. This weeks advanced class focuses solely on...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, chair sarvangasana, niralamba sarvangasana


Mat, 2 chairs, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks

Knees – Weekly Advanced Class 88

60 Min


This class takes an in-depth look at the reclining kneeling poses supta virasana and paryankasana. Both poses are taught in stages that will make them accessible to a wide range of body types. The knee focus of these poses is then...

Key Poses

Supta virasana, paryankasana, bhekasana, niralamba sarvangasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Strength – Weekly Advanced Class 87

45 Min


This weeks advanced class is built around strengthening yoga poses. The initial section of the sequence includes the inversions adho mukha vrksasana and pincha mayurasana. Both poses are linked with variations that will help to improve arm and upper body strength....

Key Poses

vasisthasana, dwi hasta bhujasana, eka hasta bhujasana, paripurna navasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Backbend Variations & Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 86

65 Min


This weeks advanced class runs for 65 minutes. It includes inversions alongside a backbend sequence designed to challenge experienced students. Many of the poses are practiced with multiple repetitions. This gives you the option of gradually taking each pose further...

Key Poses

Ustrasana, kapotasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, vrschikasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Hamstrings – Weekly Advanced Class 85

45 Min


This class is based around improving hamstring flexibility. Standing forward bends like utthita hasta padangusthasana and urdhva prasarita eka padasana are the initial focus of the class. Eventually the seated forward bends triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana and krounchasana are included in...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, krounchasana.


Mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Standing Poses With Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 84

65 Min


This weeks advanced class presents an extended, 65 minute standing pose sequence. The inversions sirsasana and chair sarvangasana are also included in this classically balanced Iyengar sequence. Additional time is allowed for all poses to be explored in stages where...

Key Poses

standing poses, sirsasana, chair sarvangasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Chair Sirsasana & Sarvangasana – Weekly Advanced Class 83

30 Min


Chair inversions are the sole focus of this weeks advanced class. Initially a version of sirsasana using two chairs is explored. This version of the pose is a great option for people working with neck difficulties. From there a version...

Key Poses

Chair sirsasana, chair sarvangasana


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Yoga Poses To Relieve Lower Back Pain – Weekly Advanced Class 82

50 Min


This class is based around poses that help to relieve lower back pain. It is the third in our series of classes that help to promote a healthy spine. The class begins with some poses that help to remove muscular...

Key Poses

Diagonal standing poses,chair twists, supta padangusthasana, pavana mukthasana


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana – Weekly Advanced Class 81

45 Min


This weeks class is based around the backbend dwi pada viparita dandasana. Some preparatory backbends like salabhasana and urdhva mukha svanasanan are included to create opening and elasticity in the upper back. Dwi pada viparita dandasana is then introduced initially...

Key Poses

salabhasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Parivrtta (Revolved) – Weekly Advanced Class 80

50 Min


This weeks class links a number of the parivrtta (revolved) twisting poses. The twisting action is developed initially in utthita hasta padangusthasana and then incrementally applied to parivrtta ardha chandrasana. Two different versions of this pose are explored using the...

Key Poses

Parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, parivrtta upavista konasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 79

50 Min


This weeks advanced class focuses on the concept of balance. Balance quite literally helps us to position our bodies in space without falling over. This reality check of not falling over is relevant to many of the poses in this...

Key Poses

Garudasana, vrksasana, parivrttaikapada sirsasana, niralamba sarvangasana


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance) – Weekly Advanced Class 78

30 Min


This class focuses exclusively on pincha mayurasana (forearm balance). The class begins with a strengthening sequence of movements that help to create a solid foundation for the pose. The poses that follow work on acquiring the shoulder mobility that is necessary...

Key Poses

Pincha Mayurasana


2 blocks, belt

Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) – Weekly Advanced Class 77

20 Min


This weeks advanced class focuses on adho mukha vrksasana (handstand). The video is a shorter length 20 minute tutorial style class. It starts with some preliminary poses that help to connect your arms with your torso in a straight, integrated...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana


Mat, blanket

Adding Arm Clasps To Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 76

25 Min


This shorter, 25 minute tutorial style class looks at ways of building more advanced arm clasps into basic seated twists. The class revolves around the poses bharadavajasana, marichyasana III and ardha matsyendrasana. Each of these twists is practiced initially in...

Key Poses

Bharadvajasana, marichyasana III, ardha matsyendrasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Pranayama, Ujjayi & Viloma – Weekly Advanced Class 75

55 Min


This 55 minute class focuses less on restorative poses that prepare you for pranayama, and more on actual pranayama. Savasana is used as a starting point for settling down, and becoming more aware of your breath. Ujjayi pranayama (where your...

Key Poses

Ujjayi pranayama, viloma pranayama


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks

Vrschikasana (Scorpion Pose) & Related Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 74

60 Min


This weeks class works towards the backbend vrschikasana (scorpion pose). The shoulder action that is required for this asana is explored initially in sirsasana, with your hands holding a block placed behind your head. This action is further developed in...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, pincha mayurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, vrschikasana


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Ubhaya Padangusthasana & Krounchasana – Weekly Advanced Class 73

45 Min


This class is based around paschimottanasana, ubhaya padangusthasana and krounchasana. The asanas are taught in stages that progressively allow the poses to develop, without compromising balance or alignment. Some of the preparatory stages can be consolidated for newer or less...

Key Poses

paschimottanasana, ubhaya padangusthasana and krounchasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Iyengar Yoga Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 72

55 Min


The instruction in this sequence of standing poses emphasises fundamental Iyengar teachings. It allows experienced students to consolidate key aspects of technique in a rigorous 55 minute class. Many of the poses are broken down into stages where one particular...

Key Poses

standing poses


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Wrists, Psoas and Quadriceps – Weekly Advanced Class 71

55 Min


This miscellaneous style class focuses on the wrists, psoas and quadriceps muscles. The first section of the class includes adapted poses that help to strengthen and improve mobility in your wrists. Wrist opening actions are explored in poses like adho...

Key Poses

adho mukha svanasana, vasisthasana, eka pada rajakapotasana, hanumanasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Restorative Yoga With Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 70

65 Min


This class includes a number of restorative Iyengar Yoga inversions. It also contains supported chest opening poses that focus on breath awareness. Several passive, hip opening poses are also included. Many of the poses in the sequence use yoga props...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, viparita dandasana, supta baddha konasana, niralamba sarvangasana, savasana


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Chatushpadasana – Weekly Advanced Class 69

50 Min


This class concentrates on three poses; pincha mayurasana, chatushpadasana and ardha halasana. Preparatory stages are revisited in pincha mayurasana for their ability to strengthen. Priority is given to creating lift through your shoulders. A rolled yoga mat under your elbows...

Key Poses

pincha mayurasana, chatushpadasana, ardha halasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Forward Bends To Mobilise Your Spine – Weekly Advanced Class 68

50 Min


 This class helps you to improve the mobility of your spine in forward bends. It begins with standing forward bends. A wall is used in this section of the class to help maintain a straight spine, whilst working with hamstring...

Key Poses

urdhva prasarita eka padasana, janu sirsasana, parsva upavista konasana, parivrtta upavita konasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Yoga Poses To Mobilise Your Spine – Weekly Advanced Class 67

40 Min


This class will help to improve the mobility of your spine. Standing poses are the main emphasis of the sequence. Classical poses are adapted where necessary to help you focus on creating length and rotation. Many of the poses make...

Key Poses

trikonasana, parsvakonasana, ardha chandrasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana


Mat,1 blankets, 2 blocks

Chest Opening Poses & Chair Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 66

50 Min


This weeks advanced class contains poses that help to contain your upper back and open your chest. The initial part of the class uses a belt looped around your arms to gain access to the thoracic spine. For many people...

Key Poses

trikonasana, virabhadrasana II, parvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, chair twists


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Plantar Fasciitis – Weekly Advanced Class 65

50 Min


Poses that help to improve the health of your feet are the focus of this class. The sequence includes poses that help to relieve stiffness and soreness in the arch and heel region of the foot. It also looks at...

Key Poses

Vajrasana, tadasana, virabhadrasana I, parsvottanasana, supta padangusthasana


Mat, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt

Bakasana – Weekly Advanced Class 64

20 Min


This class teaches the arm balancing pose Bakasana (crane pose). It breaks the pose down into preparatory stages that can be beneficial when practiced in isolation, or as part of a step-by-step progression towards the full pose. Initially bakasana is...

Key Poses




Vasisthasana, Parighasana and Abdominals – Weekly Advanced Class 63

60 Min


This class includes some less commonly practiced miscellaneous poses. Initially the balancing pose vasisthasana is practiced alongside trikonasana and ardha chandrasana. Parighasana is then paired with parivrtta trikonasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana. Parighasana is a great pose for teaching you how...

Key Poses

vasisthasana, parighasana, urdhva prasarita padasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Lolasana – Weekly Advanced Class 62

20 Min


This weeks advanced class is devoted entirely to the arm balancing pose lolasana. For many people this is a notoriously difficult pose that is often avoided or thought to be impossible. This 20 minute, tutorial style class breaks the pose...

Key Poses



Mat, 2 blocks

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana – Weekly Advanced Class 61

45 Min


Dwi pada viparita dandasana is a backbend with numerous applications in an Iyengar yoga sequence. Supported versions of the pose can be used as an alternative for headstand, or simply as a chest opening restorative pose. Unsupported versions of the...

Key Poses

dwi pada viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Hamstrings, Hips and Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 60

65 Min


The main focus of this class is forward bends, but it also contains inversions, twists, and an arm balancing pose. The class begins with some standing forward bends that help to lengthen your hamstrings. Headstand (sirsasana) is then included before...

Key Poses

utthita hasta padangusthasana, krounchasana, marichyasana III, eka hasta bhujasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana


Mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Standing Poses in 50 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 59

50 Min


This weeks class follows a classic sequence of standing poses. You are guided through a comprehensive group of 15 standing asanas. Some poses that involve balance are included, as are strengthening poses, and of course poses that help to improve...

Key Poses

most standing poses are included


Mat,1 blanket, 2 blocks

Knees, Quads, Glutes & Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 58

60 Min


This weeks class focusses on yoga poses that help to release your gluteals and hip flexors. Tightness in these areas can contribute to poor overall posture, and increase the likelihood of lower back ailments. You might also find that several...

Key Poses

supta virasana, eka pada rajakapotasana, supta padangusthasana


Mat, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Yoga For Menstruation – Weekly Advanced Class 57

65 Min


This class focusses on restorative poses that help to relax the abdominal region, and soothe the nervous system. This type of sequence is commonly practiced by women in the Iyengar method during menstruation. During this time inversions are avoided; as...

Key Poses

supta baddha konasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, upashrayi upavista konasana


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Dropping Back – Weekly Advanced Class 56

70 Min


This class will teach some of the techniques that will help you build towards dropping back into urdhva dhanurasana (wheel pose) from a standing position. Engaging your arm and leg muscles without shortening your spine is a common theme throughout...

Key Poses

urdhva dhanurasana, ustrasana, viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Yoga Poses For Scoliosis – Weekly Advanced Class 55

45 Min


This weeks class focusses on standing and seated poses that simultaneously lengthen and turn your spine. Although helpful for a broad range of body-types, the class may be especially beneficial for anyone with a mild scoliosis. In most of the...

Key Poses

trikonasana, parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, paschimottanasana


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Standing Poses With Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 54

60 Min


This hour long class includes sirsasana (headstand) and sarvangasana (shoulderstand) alongside a challenging standing pose sequence. The class explores fundamental Iyengar standing pose techniques. Seven of the main standing asanas are taught in depth, with an emphasis being placed on...

Key Poses

 trikonasana, parsvakonasana, ardha chandrasana, virabhadrasana I & II, parivrtta trikonasana, parsvottanasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana


Mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Advanced Chair Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 53

55 Min


This class is an ideal re-entry into backbends for 2018. The sequence mainly contains chair backbends. It culminates in a supported variation of the advanced backbend vrschikasana (scorpion pose). The class is an opportunity to reconnect with some of the...

Key Poses

urdhva mukha svanasana, urdhva dhanurasana, vrschikasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Sequence For The New Year – Weekly Advanced Class 52

50 Min


Standing poses are ideal poses with which to renew your practice for the new year. This class brings you back to the foundations of standing poses, but from the perspective of an experienced practitioner. Grounding, strengthening and energising; this sequence...

Key Poses

standing poses


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks

Handstand and Forearm Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 51

40 Min


This class focusses on adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) and pincha mayurasana (forearm balance). In addition to the complete classical poses, preparatory positions are also included that will help to strengthen your body and refine your technique. A method for kicking...

Key Poses

adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt

Upavista, Paripurna and Niralamba – Weekly Advanced Class 50

50 Min


This class balances abdominal strengthening poses with energy preserving forward bends. Headstand and shoulderstand are also featured in the sequence. Forward bends are approached actively. An emphasis is placed on keeping your upper back as straight as possible and your...

Key Poses

Upavista konasana, paripurna navasana, niralamba sarvangasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Ujjayi, Kumbhaka and Viloma – Weekly Advanced Class 49

55 Min


Pranayama and restorative yoga are the main focus of this class. The class culminates in a variety of pranayamas performed in both the lying and seated positions. Chest opening restorative poses make up the first section of the sequence. These...

Key Poses

Ujjayi pranayama, antara kumbhaka, viloma pranayama, savasana.


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks

Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana – Weekly Advanced Class 48

65 Min


This backbend class leads in the direction of eka pada viparita danadasana. The techniques of this famous asana are initially broken down and explored in preparatory poses before being brought together in the full pose at the end of the...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, eka pada viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks

Standing Poses in 45 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 47

45 Min


This class takes a detailed look at standing poses without including inversions. Most of the 45 minute duration of the class is spent in standing poses. The class will be well suited to times when you are looking for a...

Key Poses

trikonasana, parsvakonasana, virabhadrasana I & II, ardha chandrasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks

Iyengar Yoga Restorative Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 46

55 Min


This class consists entirely of Iyengar Yoga restorative poses. The class will be great for helping you to relax and de-stress. A sequence such as this will be beneficial for various reasons. It might be that you practice these poses...

Key Poses

savasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, supta baddha konasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Iyengar Yoga Chair Backbends – Weekly Advanced class 45

45 Min


This class contains several chair backbends that are regularly used within the Iyengar Yoga method. Techniques for setting up the poses are explored in detail. Ways of adjusting and aligning yourself whilst in the poses are also explored in detail....

Key Poses

Surya namaskar, urdhva mukha svanasana, urdhva dhanurasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Active Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 44

40 Min


In addition to some familiar poses, this class includes some less commonly practiced forward bends and seated poses. Several poses in the class share a common method of gripping your big toe with your fingers. This clasp is emphasised throughout...

Key Poses

Kurmasana, ubhaya padangusthasana, akarna dhanurasana, krounchasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Standing Poses and Headstand Leg Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 43

50 Min


This class follows a classic Iyengar Yoga approach to standing poses. The particular order of the poses in this sequence is commonly used, and is an ideal way to practice standing poses. Most of the asanas from the standing group...

Key Poses

standing poses, salamba sirsasana, parsva sirsasana, parivrtta eka pada sirsasana, chair sarvangasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 42

40 Min


This 40 minute class is filled with yoga poses to help improve your shoulder mobility. The class concentrates exclusively on shoulders. Classical yoga poses are included alongside adapted yoga therapy poses. The class may be helpful for students who are working...

Key Poses

Adho mukha svanasana, gomukhasana, garudasana, anantasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Shoulder Opening Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 41

35 Min


This 35 minute class will help to improve the mobility of your shoulders. Some specific shoulder poses are included in the sequence, but in addition to this, adaptations have been made to other classical poses in order to focus on...

Key Poses

Garudasana, gomukhasana, trikonasana, virabhadrasana I, parsvottanasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Supine Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 40

35 Min


This class helps you to work with breath awareness, relaxation and pranayama. The first couple of poses in the sequence help to direct your attention inwards, towards your body and breath. You then lie back over yoga blocks to release...

Key Poses

Savasana, ujjayi pranayama, viloma pranayama


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Backbends in 45 Minutes – Weekly Advanced Class 39

45 Min


This class fits backbends and inversions into a 45 minute sequence. It starts with some warming leg stretches that will help to prepare your body for the backbends that will follow. From there you head to salamba sirsasana (headstand) and...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana, urdhva dhanurasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Hamstrings and Knee Care – Weekly Advanced Class 38

50 Min


This class demonstrates some simple ways of giving your knees extra support whilst working with standing poses. The class is categorised as focussing on hamstrings, but in addition to this it will also help to improve general flexibility of your...

Key Poses

Standing poses


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks

Abdominal Strength – Weekly Advanced Class 37

30 Min


This class concentrates on yoga poses that help to improve abdominal strength. No standing poses or inversions are included in this 30 minute sequence. The reclining leg stretches supta padangusthasana are used at the start of the class to prepare...

Key Poses

Urdhva prasarita padasana, pavana muktasana, paripurna navasana


Mat, blanket, belt

Ujjayi And Viloma Pranayama – Weekly Advanced Class 36

60 Min


The focus of this class is restorative yoga poses and pranayama. The 60 minute duration of the sequence allows ample time for a range of preparatory chest opening poses at the start of the sequence. These poses help to achieve...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana, ujjayi and viloma pranayama


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Up Dog, Camel And Bridge Pose – Weekly Advanced Class 35

50 Min


This class follows a classic backbend sequence. Initially you focus on energising inversions. From there you progress to standing poses that help to open your chest, and bring elasticity to your spine. The backbend section of the class begins with...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, urdvha dhanurasana


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 34

30 Min


Hanumanasana, or monkey pose is an asana that bears some resemblance to the modern gymnastic front splits. The full pose requires considerable flexibility of the hamstrings, quads, groins and hip flexors. Supported versions of the pose can help experienced students...

Key Poses

Hanumanasana, eka pada rajakapotasana


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks

Standing Poses And Inversions – Weekly Advanced Class 33

50 Min


This class consists of a classical standing pose sequence that would commonly be practiced in an Iyengar Yoga studio. The class starts with active inversions like adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) and pincha mayurasana (forearm balance). These poses help to build...

Key Poses

adho mukha vrksasana, pincha mayurasana, salamba sirsasana, urdhva dandasana, standing poses


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Covering All Areas – Weekly Advanced Class 32

50 Min


This class includes asanas from all of the main groupings of yoga poses. It is an ideal sequence for all-round practice maintenance. Standing poses are used at the beginning of the class to bring movement and energy to your body....

Key Poses

Standing poses, forward bends, inversions, backbends, restorative


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Arm Balances – Weekly Advanced Class 31

30 Min


 This 30 minute class focusses exclusively on arm balances. You are guided through six of these challenging, yet energising poses. Arm balances are strengthening poses on both a physical and mental level. They help to build confidence and impart a...

Key Poses

Chaturanga dandasana, vasisthasana, eka hasta bhujasana, dwi hasta bhujasana, bhujapadasana, tittibhasana


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks

Tittibhasana And Other Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 30

50 Min


Tittibhasana is an arm balance that shares common ground with forward bends. This class heads in both the direction of arm balances and forward bends. To prepare for the arm balances you are guided through several standing poses where an...

Key Poses

chaturanga dandasana, tittibhasana, dwi hast bhujasana, kurmasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Vrschikasana (Scorpion Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 29

45 Min


Chair backbends are again the focus of this weeks advanced class. In this class you will be guided through various versions of backbends that lead towards vrschikasana (scorpion Pose). Vrschikasana is an inverted backbend that uses pincha mayurasana (forearm balance)...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, urdhva dhanurasana, vrschikasana 


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks

Leg And Back Release – Weekly Advanced Class 28

35 Min


This 35 minute class will be perfectly suited to times when you are feeling lower in energy, but wanting to keep your home practice momentum moving forwards. This sequence will be great for practicing later in the evening; or after...

Key Poses

supta padangusthasana, upavista konasana, urdhva paschimottanasana, ubhaya padangusthasana 


Mat, 2 blankets, belt

Express Standing Poses II – Weekly Advanced Class 27

35 Min


This class is the second in a series of shorter duration videos focussing on standing poses. You will be guided through a sequence of standing poses in around half an hour. It is a class that will be well suited...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Virabhadrasana I, Parvottanasna, Parivrtta Trikonasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Shoulders And Twists – Weekly Advanced Class 26

50 Min


This class begins with a focus on poses that improve flexibility and strength in your shoulders. Standing poses such as parsvottanasana and trikonasana are adapted to emphasise shoulder opening. Vasisthasana is used to help improve shoulder mobility and stability. From...

Key Poses

vasisthasana, parsva sirsasana, chair twists


mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Relaxation And Breath Awareness – Weekly Advanced Class 25

50 Min


Initially this class works with poses that help to release and relax the abdomen and diaphragm region. These positions are commonly relaxing on both a physical and mental level. They make an ideal perspective for watching the breath. Breath awareness...

Key Poses

supta baddha konasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana, ujjayi pranayama


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana – Weekly Advanced Class 24

60 Min


It is often difficult to remain in challenging backbend poses like dwi pada viparita dandasana for any significant amount of time. Because of this, whilst in the pose you might experience areas of resistance in your body without the feeling...

Key Poses

dwi pada viparita dandasana. eka pada viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Standing And Seated Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 23

60 Min


Forward bends are often thought of as seated yoga poses. When you are newer to yoga it is often easier to learn techniques for forward bends in a standing position. When standing, you are more able to use your leg...

Key Poses

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, Parsvottanasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Advanced Backbend Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 22

70 Min


This sequence of backbend variations is intended for advanced students who have an established, regular backbend practice. The starting point for the backbends in this class is Urdhva Dhanurasana (bridge pose). The ability to confidently practice this pose is a...

Key Poses

Kapotasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana, Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana, Vrschikasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Improve Your Balance – Weekly Advanced Class 21

45 Min


One of the often overlooked benefits of yoga is the way in which it can improve your sense of balance. The ability to balance in a yoga pose is imperative right from the beginning. Before a pose can be adjusted...

Key Poses

Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Pincha Mayurasana, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Ardha Chandrasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Linking Sun Salutes With Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 20

60 Min


This class contains an assortment of poses covering most of the different pose categories. You begin working with poses that open your hips and glutes. From there you focus on some miscellaneous standing poses that are often overlooked in standing...

Key Poses

Surya Namaskar, Utkatasana, Garudasana, Parighasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Twists And Abdominals – Weekly Advanced Class 19

45 Min


Twists and abdominal poses often get overlooked when putting together a practice sequence. These poses are the main focus of this class. Twists have traditionally been seen as purifying poses. From a yoga perspective they are thought to assist the...

Key Poses

Bharadvajasana, Marichyasana III, Urdhva Prasarita Padasana, Paripurna Navasana


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Yoga Poses To Calm The Breath – Weekly Advanced Class 18

60 Min


All of the poses included in this class help to remove tension from the body generally, but the diaphragm region specifically. Releasing this area of the body enables you to more effectively observe your breath whilst staying in a yoga...

Key Poses

Supta Baddha Konasana, Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Savasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Four Essential Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 17

50 Min


A thorough grasp of the four backbends presented in this video allows other more advanced backbends to naturally evolve. All of the fundamental actions used in backbends are contained within these poses. The ability to lift up into Urdhva Dhanurasana...

Key Poses

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Ustrasana, Chatushpadasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Paschimottanasana, Key Forward Bend – Weekly Advanced Class 16

50 Min


Paschimottanasana is is a pose from which many other forward bends grow. A thorough understanding of this pose allows other more advanced poses to naturally evolve. For many people it is a particularly challenging pose because of its ability to...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Balancing Opposites, Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 15

60 Min


One of the signs of making progress in yoga is the feeling of composure in poses where initially there was struggle. With continual practice it is inevitable that we will start to get glimpses of the elusive “effortless effort”. The...

Key Poses

Tadasana, Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana I, II & III, Parsvakonasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parsvottasana, Prasarita Podottanasana


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Yoga Poses For Shoulders And Wrists – Weekly Advanced Class 14

60 Min


Shoulders and wrists are the focus of this class. Stiffness in these areas can create difficulties not only within your yoga practice but throughout everyday life. This class comprehensively covers a range of poses which help to improve mobility in...

Key Poses

Adho Mukha Svanasana, Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana, Gomukhasana, Garudasana, Salamba Sirsasana, chair shoulderstand, Purvottanasana, Ustrasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Four Key Arm Balances – Weekly Advanced Class 13

30 Min


Arm balances are commonly considered to be among the hardest of yoga poses to penetrate. This tutorial style class demonstrates how this doesn’t necessarily need to be the case. You are guided through the four key arm balances; Vasisthasana, Eka...

Key Poses

Vasisthasana, Eka Hasta Bhujasana, Dwi Hasta Bhujasana, Lolasana


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks,

Bridge Pose And Other Backbends – Weekly Advanced Class 12

50 Min


Bridge pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is the culmination of this backbend class. You will learn two common methods that assist being able to independently lift into this pose. The first approach using angled blocks will be best suited to anyone working...

Key Poses

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Ustrasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Course Overview


Keep taking your home practice further with the Advanced Course – an extensive and growing collection of advanced online Iyengar yoga classes. A brand new class is added to the program every week, which means you can always find new areas to explore. Challenge yourself to complete all of the classes and feel your practice grow. Do as many different classes as possible to ensure that you keep your practice balanced and expanding in all directions. Use the Course Content table to keep track of the lessons you have completed. The Yoga Selection Advanced Course is the largest and most comprehensive library of advanced Iyengar classes available online.

Who is this course for?

  • If you are experienced with Iyengar yoga and looking to be challenged, the Advanced Course will suit you
  • Ideally you will be familiar with inversions and backbends
  • Getting to this stage generally requires at least two years of regular yoga practice

How will this course help?

You won’t have to worry about your home practice getting stale or stuck again. Do your practice where and when it suits you, with expert guidance. The Advanced Course ensures you will be supported just as you would be in a yoga studio. The broad range of classes cover key areas of Iyengar yoga at the advanced level. You can complete them in any order you like. Completing as many classes as possible means that you can work in an ongoing way towards a diverse and balanced practice.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive, structured and ongoing approach to learning Iyengar yoga at the advanced level
  • Key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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