In this weeks advanced class we are working on wrists and shoulders from the perspective of backbends. In the early section of the class some challenging variations of adho mukha svanasana are used to help improve wrist mobility. These poses will be helpful in terms bringing about change, and cutting through stiffness. Some adaptations of urdhva mukha svanasana follow. These variations are less about challenging the wrists, and more about how this pose can be adapted so as to take pressure of the wrists. The next section of the class uses chair backbends to focus more on shoulder opening. Urdhva dhanurasana allows you to simultaneously work on shoulders and wrists. Some variations are shown that will be helpful for anyone practicing with restricted mobility in these areas. The class builds eventually towards dwi pada viparita dandasana and chakra bandhasana. All of the poses in this sequence are explored in terms of their impact on shoulders and wrists.