Reclining Poses and Abdominals: This class is designed to target your abdominal muscles and enhance hip flexibility – all from a reclining position. This sequence not only strengthens the core, contributing to improved posture, but also emphasises poses that open the hips and lengthen the leg muscles. Strong abdominal muscles play a pivotal role in supporting the spine against gravitational forces. By incorporating yoga poses geared towards strengthening the abs, you can expedite postural improvements. Key abdominal poses like urdhva prasarita padasana and paripurna navasana (boat pose) can further augment core development. Additionally, this sequence features poses that release tension in the back and open the hips. When practiced from a reclining position, these poses target areas that benefit from non-weight bearing positions – making them especially beneficial for those with sore knees or ankles. Reclining postures also offer support for the spine whilst enhancing mobility in tight muscles related to the pelvis and legs. This hip opening section of the class is designed around supta padangusthasana, incorporating its variations and related poses.