Yoga Practice
All Courses & Classes
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Upavistha Konasana: Going Deeper
This 5-part course offers a deep dive into Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend) and its variations, including Parivrtta Upavistha...
20-25 Minutes Advanced Classes
This advanced 20-class course is designed for experienced practitioners seeking to deepen their practice with quick, focused sessions. Each 20-25...
Yoga For the Groins and Adductors
This Advanced course offers a dedicated focus on the adductor muscles, a group of five key muscles located in the...
Yoga For Gluteals – Advanced
This advanced seven-part course is designed for experienced students ready to build on the foundations of the intermediate gluteal strengthening...
Yoga For Balance – Advanced
Discover the art of equilibrium with our advanced five-part online course focused entirely on balance. Designed for experienced practitioners, this...
Iyengar Yoga Backbends – Advanced
Take your practice to the next level with this advanced 17-class backbend course, meticulously designed to challenge and deepen your...
Yoga For Wrists: 4-Part Course
This comprehensive 4-part online yoga course is designed specifically for wrist health and strength. It offers an in-depth exploration of...
Learn Scorion Pose (Vrschikasana): 5-Part Course
Join our 5-part online course to learn Vrschikasana (Scorpion Pose), an advanced yoga pose that combines inversions and backbends. This...
Therapeutic Yoga
Explore the therapeutic benefits of yoga with this 20-part Therapeutic Yoga course, specifically designed to cater to a spectrum of...
60 Minute Duration Classes (Advanced)
60 Minute Duration Classes – Advanced Level Course. This series of 10 classes offers a practical and varied approach to...
Yoga For Hip Flexors
This four-part online yoga course is specifically designed to address tight hip flexors, a common issue for those who spend...
Standing Twists
This 7-part online course is designed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of standing twists, focusing on poses like...
Recommended For Beginners
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