30-Class Beginner Intensive Course

Beginners start here! The ultimate online beginners yoga course.

Classes Available


Basic Beginners Course – Class 1

45 Min


Join Rod as he takes you through a step-by-step introduction to yoga. If you have never done yoga before, this is the best place to start. Experience what it feels like to open your chest. Learn how to balance on...

Key Poses

tadasana, urdhva hastasana, trikonasana, virabhadrasana II, savasana.


Mat, blanket

Basic Beginners Course – Class 2

45 Min


The classes in this course evolve by consolidating what has already been learnt whilst adding some new poses and techniques. In Class 2 you continue to build a strong foundation whilst starting to look more closely at the concept of...

Key Poses

Urdhva baddhanguliyasana, parsvakonasana, parsvottanasana


Mat, blanket

Basic Beginners Course – Class 3

45 Min


This class continues to build your understanding of the basic standing poses. The Standing poses are so important at this stage because of their corrective effect on the whole body. You will feel which areas need to be strengthened and...

Key Poses

parsvakonasana, virabhadrasana I and prasarita padottanasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks

Basic Beginners Course – Class 4

45 Min


The previous classes have probably highlighted some stiffness in your shoulders. In this class we look more directly at how to go about improving the mobility of your shoulders. You will quickly notice how much tension is stored in this...

Key Poses

Garudasana and Vajrasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Basic Beginners Course – Class 5

45 Min


In this class we continue to work on improving shoulder mobility. You will be ready now to confidently approach downward facing dog pose. Continue to work on overall body strength and flexibility with an expanding range of standing and seated...

Key Poses

gomukhasana, ardha chandrasana, virasana


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Basic Beginners Course II – Class 6

50 Min


This class contains all the standing poses that you worked with in the previous course. You will be staying a bit longer in poses now. This is in part due to the fact that you are stronger, but also because...

Key Poses

Parivrtta Trikonasana (twisted triangle pose) and simple cross-leg twist.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Basic Beginners Course II – Class 7

45 Min


By this stage you may be noticing an improvement in your hip mobility. Up until this point, hip work has mainly taken place in standing positions. In this class you will further develop this with the standing pose Ardha Chandrasana...

Key Poses

Ardha Chandrasana and Gomukhasana preparation.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Basic Beginners Course II – Class 8

45 Min


Your overall posture by this stage, has likely begun to improve. Having stronger leg muscles, and more open hips and shoulders helps to achieve this. Notice how having stronger legs starts to make you lower back feel more supported in...

Key Poses

Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt

Basic Beginners Course II – Class 9

45 Min


This class devotes more time to seated poses. A sound understanding of these basic seated poses will effortlessly lead you towards some of the more advanced seated poses at a later stage. In this class you will be working with...

Key Poses

Parivrtta Trikonasana, Baddha Konasana and Janu Sirsasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Basic Beginners Course II – Class 10

45 Min


This final class will give you a taste of what to expect from the next course – The Beginner Extension Course. You will be introduced to new inverted poses which are practiced regularly in the next level. These poses incorporate...

Key Poses

Full arm balance preparation, head balance preparation, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Beginner Extension Course I – Class 1

55 Min


This class groups together all the standing poses from the Basic Beginner courses. As well as looking at some of these familiar poses in a new light, you are introduced to a new standing pose called Virabhadrasana III. In addition...

Key Poses

All standing poses from the Basic Beginners Course, Virabhadrasana III, preparation for headstand and full arm balance.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt

Beginner Extension Course I – Class 2

55 Min


Class 2 focuses primarily on seated poses. You will revise the seated poses from the previous course and then develop them into forward bends. During this class you will learn how to practice forward bends without putting strain on your...

Key Poses

Dandasana, Paschimottanasana, Buddha Konasana, Janu Sirsasana, Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt

Beginner Extension Course I – Class 3

55 Min


Backbends are introduced in class 3. These poses will be brand new if you are progressing from the Basic Beginner Courses. You will be working mainly with preparatory poses, often referred to as “baby backbends”. These poses teach you the...

Key Poses

Salabhasana, Chatushpadasana, Ustrasana


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Beginner Extension Course I – Class 4

55 Min


Miscellaneous poses with a focus on hip and shoulder opening are explored in class 4. “Miscellaneous” is a category used to denote poses which don’t easily fit in to the other categories previously described. Categorising classes in this way helps...

Key Poses

Viparita Karani, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Savasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt.

Beginner Extension Course II – Class 5

60 Min


This class teaches you how to develop the preparation for handstand and headstand into full inversions. Proceed according to your own capacity. For many people this is a step which takes some time to complete. The class then concentrates on...

Key Poses

All standing poses from previous courses including Virabhadrasana III, preparation for headstand and full arm balance - both kicking up to the wall.


Mat, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Beginner Extension Course II – Class 6

60 Min


Develop the action of kicking up into handstand and headstand in class 6. Clear alternative poses are provided if needed. A few standing poses then lead you towards forward bends. Seated poses from this level and the previous levels are...

Key Poses

Salamba Sarvangasana, Bharadvajasana, all seated forward bends from this level.


Mat, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Beginner Extension Course II – Class 7

60 Min


Start to challange yourself more as you practice kicking up into inverted poses. The early section of this class concentrates on handstand and headstand. From there the preparatory backbends are consolidated. The kneeling Ustrasana or camel pose is introduced. Towards...

Key Poses

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Up Dog), Chatushpadasana (Four Feet Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand).


Mat, 3 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks

Beginner Extension Course II – Class 8

60 Min


This final class of the Beginner Extension Courses completes the process of getting you ready for the Intermediate Level. You will find this is a slower paced class. There are some shoulder opening alternatives that can be used instead of inverted...

Key Poses

Salamba Sarvangasana, Savasana.


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, belt

Beginner Course Consolidation – Weekly Intermediate Class 249

75 Min


This 75 minute practice features a comprehensive selection of key poses from the beginners section on our website. Poses from each of the four courses in our beginners program are included. This class will be well suited to newer students...

Key Poses

Tadasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana, virabhadrasana I, dandasana, sarvangasana. 


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Extended Intermediate Sequence – Weekly Intermediate Class 244

100 Min


Consolidate the foundations of intermediate yoga and clarify the transition between this level and the beginner stage. Challenge yourself with this 1 hr 40 min class. It consists of an extended sequence that includes key poses from multiple asana groups....

Key Poses

Standing poses, forward bends, backbends, inversions.


Mat, chair, bolster, blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Standing Poses : Simple Essentials – Weekly Intermediate Class 220

45 Min


This class features a simple sequence of standing poses. It will help you to focus on basic principles and essential yoga foundations. The class covers eight key standing poses. It emphasises classical alignment and uses minimal yoga props. This class...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Forward Bends: The Fundamentals – Weekly Intermediate Class 241

45 Min


Forward bends 101. This class will guide you through the essential foundations of forward bends. It will help you to consolidate basic upright seated positions and learn how they can evolve into more advanced forward bending asanas. The class will...

Key Poses

Dandasana, upavista konasana, baddha konasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana.


Mat, blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Baby Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 225

45 Min


This class will help to expand your understanding of basic backbend techniques. It features a comprehensive selection of the preliminary “baby” backbends and emphasises fundamental actions and essential techniques. Key backbends such as salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, bhujangasana and urdhva mukha...

Key Poses

salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, bhujangasana, urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, belt, blanket.

Sirsasana (Headstand) – Weekly Intermediate Class 211

50 Min


We are revisiting sirsasana (headstand) and sirsasana preparation in this class. Iyengar yoga has an array of preparatory poses that will help you to build a strong foundation when learning how to do sirsasana. Before progressing to the stage of...

Key Poses

Sirsasana, sirsasana preparation.


Mat, 2 or 3 blocks.

Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) – Weekly Intermediate Class 240

25 Min


This class features a tutorial-style overview of sarvangasana (shoulderstand). It consolidates essential methods and techniques and will help you to more confidently and safely practice this key inversion. The class guides you in how to arrange yoga props and optimise their...

Key Poses

Sarvangasana (shoulderstand).


Mat, chair, blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Troubleshooting Handstand – Weekly Intermediate Class 188

30 Min


This class features the inversion adho mukha vrksasana (handstand). It consolidates some of the strength and confidence building poses that help you prepare for tackling this asana. It also troubleshoots common problems that can potentially arise. Several solutions are included...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana.


Mat, bolster, belt.

Intermediate Restorative Sequence – Weekly Intermediate Class 269

65 Min


Relax and feel rejuvenated with this restorative yoga sequence. This class will help to soothe your nervous system and calm your mind. Use the class to unwind as you release tension from your whole body. Prioritise your health and wellbeing...

Key Poses

Viparita dandasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana..


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Intermediate Standing Poses & Inversions – Weekly Intermediate Class 263

50 Min


Standing poses with inversions. This class features a selection of inversions placed alongside a sequence of standing poses. Dynamic variations of sirsasana (headstand) and adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) are practiced at the beginning of the class to lift energy, and...

Key Poses

Sirsasana preparation, standing poses, niralamba sarvangasana.  


Mat, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Forward Bends & Twists – Weekly Intermediate Class 181

60 Min


Spinal lift is beneficial for both forward bends and twists. In addition to offering protection for the spinal cord and vital organs the spine also provides a structural support for the body, helping it to remain upright and resist the...

Key Poses

Upavista konasana, janu sirsasana, triang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, bharadvajasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, belt.

Backbends (Urdvha Dhanurasana) – Weekly Intermediate Class 204

45 Min


Here is a class to help if you are someone who struggles to lift up into backbends like urdhva dhanurasana. It is very common for people to experience difficulty with this action. Although it may feel as if this problem...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Course Overview


Beginners start here! The ultimate online beginners course. Go from being a total beginner to practicing intermediate level yoga in 30 carefully designed stages. We have mapped out the entire beginner yoga journey for you in this comprehensive 30-class syllabus. Be guided through all of the essential basics and foundations. Everything you need to safely and confidently learn yoga at home.


Progress at your own pace by repeating and consolidating where necessary  – or – challenge yourself by practicing each class, in sequence, consecutively for 30 days.  Learn standing poses, seated poses, forward bends, twists, abdominals, backbends and restorative poses. You are introduced to inversions later in the course or you can choose from suggested alternatives.


The Yoga Selection beginners program is the most comprehensive and structured beginners program available online. This course fuses each of the individual mini-courses from our beginner section into a single, easy to practice 30-class course. Structured, methodical. and easy to follow. These classes will be accessible to a wide range of ages and physical abilities.
Build a safe and solid foundation for your yoga practice. Start with the basics and then gradually begin to explore new and exciting poses with step-by-step guidance. Yoga Selection releases 2 new on-demand videos each and every week – plus live-classes in realtime. Completion of this course will comprehensively prepare you for joining in with these classes.

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals new to yoga
  • Those new to Iyengar yoga
  • Anyone needing to re-visit basic yoga principles

If this is you, start your Yoga Selection journey here!

How will this course help?

People try yoga for varying reasons. You might be looking for relief from back pain or some other discomfort. Perhaps you are interested in sport and want to improve your performance or minimise your injury risk. Maybe you need a tool to manage stress. These are all good reasons to give yoga a try.

Whilst doing this course, you will feel your body work in a way it may never have done before. Afterwards you will notice a feeling of calm. This is part of the positive effect yoga has on your mind. Keep practicing and you will begin to notice yourself changing. You may start to notice feeling stronger, more flexible, more energetic and less stressed. Your concentration may be more sustained. Get ready to start feeling like a more balanced and healthy version of yourself!

To find out more about learning Iyengar yoga online as a beginner, see our blog article

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured introduction to yoga using the Iyengar method
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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