20-25 Minutes Advanced Classes

A 20-class advanced yoga course offering quick, focused sessions designed to deepen strength and understanding for experienced practitioners.

Classes Available


Marichyasana III – Weekly Advanced Class 186

25 Min


Marichyasana 3. Twists can be great poses for maintaining and improving spinal mobility. They are also great for releasing and lengthening the muscles associated with your back. Twists can also target your shoulders. Shoulder mobility is often required to work...

Key Poses

Marichyasana 3.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks, belts.

Supta Virasana – Weekly Advanced Class 193

25 Min


This class features an in-depth look at supta virasana (reclining hero pose). Supta virasana is a versatile pose that can be practiced in a variety of ways. It can revitalise tired legs after extended periods on your feet. With the...

Key Poses

Supta virasana.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga For Spondylolysis – Weekly Advanced Class 209

25 Min


Nine poses to bring relief to an aching lower back. This class features poses that avoid excessive arching in the lumbar spine. There may be a variety of reasons why you need to avoid overarching your lower back. It may...

Key Poses

Adho mukha virasana, pavanamuktasan, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt. 

Eka Hasta Bhujasana – Weekly Advanced Class 216

20 Min


Eka hasta bhujasana (elephant trunk pose) is the focus of this class. This arm balancing pose is excellent for improving overall body strength. It develops muscle groups associated with your arms, chest, abdomen and legs. This tutorial style class offers...

Key Poses

Eka hasta bhujasana.


Mat, 2 blocks. 

Bakasana (Crane/Crow Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 218

25 Min


Learn how to do bakasana with step-by-step instructions. This video explores bakasana (crane pose) and kakasana (crow pose) from the perspective of both beginners and more experienced students. The class begins with some preparatory variations using supports that will help...

Key Poses



Mat, bolster, 2 blocks, belt. 

Vrschikasana – Weekly Advanced Class 230

25 Min


Vrschikasana (scorpion pose). This class highlights the similarities and differences between forearm balance (pincha mayurasana) and scorpion pose. It offers a step-by-step progression for linking one pose to the other. Vrschikasana is an advanced asana that combines aspects of both...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, block.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) – Weekly Advanced Class 288

20 Min


Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend) and related poses. This class explores the fundamental actions associated with paschimottanasana. It also includes preparatory poses and variations of the standing forward bend padangusthasana. This helps to make the eventual seated forward bending asana more...

Key Poses

Pascimottanasana, padangusthasana, urdhva mukha paschimottanasana.


Mat, chair, belt, blanket.

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 296

20 Min


In this focused 20 minute class, we’ll explore parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle pose). We’ll dive into key actions, troubleshoot common problems, and enhance mobility in the spine, neck, shoulders, and hamstrings. While including preparatory variations for basic alignment, this class...

Key Poses

Parivrtta trikonasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) – Weekly Advanced Class 297

20 Min


Parsvakonasana. This 20 minute class is specially designed for experienced students who are already acquainted with this key standing pose. It offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding and learn new perspectives on a familiar pose. We begin by optimising...

Key Poses



Mat, 2 blocks, blanket.

Upward Facing Dog Pose – Weekly Advanced Class 299

20 Min


In this class, we delve into an in-depth exploration of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose). Alongside troubleshooting common problems, we focus on key actions and fundamental techniques to enhance your practice. This dynamic asana is perfect for uplifting...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Ardha Chandrasana – Weekly Advanced Class 302

20 Min


Take a deep dive into ardha chandrasana, also known as the half moon pose, through this comprehensive 20-minute tutorial. This asana encompasses elements of strength, balance, and focused mental concentration. The class commences by laying a solid foundation, consolidating the...

Key Poses

Ardha chandrasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Uttanasana – Weekly Advanced Class 306

25 Min


This class focuses exclusively on the yoga pose uttanasana, or the standing forward bend. It explores its fundamental techniques, modifications and applications. Uttanasana is a key pose in terms of linking standing poses to seated forward bends. For many, practicing...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks.

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana – Weekly Advanced Class 314

25 Min


Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split Pose). In this 25-minute video, we’ll guide you through the intricacies of Urdvha Prasarita Eka Padasasana, commonly known as Standing Split Pose. This challenging standing forward bend demands a blend of balance, strength, and...

Key Poses

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Abdominals – Weekly Advanced Class 318

20 Min


This 20 minute prop-free class features asanas that will strengthen your abdominal muscles. While the focus is on the “abdominals,” the benefits extend far beyond, as this session also targets the oft-neglected muscles in your lower back and pelvis. By...

Key Poses

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, paripurna navasana.



Uttanasana: Going Deeper – Weekly Advanced Class 329

25 Min


Deepen your exploration of Uttanasana with this companion class, designed to seamlessly extend your practice of the “standing forward bend”. Building upon the foundational techniques, variations, and applications introduced in Advanced Class 306, this sequence delves further into the subtleties...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, 2 blocks, blanket.

Standing Poses With Dowelling – Weekly Advanced Class 334

25 Min


Standing poses with the aid of dowelling. This class explores unique methods for using dowelling in your yoga practice, enhancing the traditional standing poses with this simple yet effective tool. Whether you choose to use a specifically crafted dowel or...

Key Poses

Standing Poses.


Mat, dowelling or belt, 2 blocks, blanket.

Standing Poses to Prepare for Forward Bends – Weekly Advanced Class 346

25 Min


This class explores standing poses through the lens of forward bends, highlighting the similarities between these two groups of asanas. You can use this sequence on its own to lengthen your hamstrings or as a warm-up for a longer session...

Key Poses

Parsvottanasana variations.


Mat, chair, 2 blocks.

Chair Sarvangasana and Variations – Weekly Advanced Class 347

25 Min


Discover the rejuvenating benefits of Chair Sarvangasana in this comprehensive class. This tutorial-style session explores the intricacies of Chair Sarvangasana, offering variations and complementary inversions such as Niralamba Sarvangasana. Each pose is methodically linked, creating a cohesive restorative practice centred...

Key Poses

Chair sarvangasana, niralamba sarvangasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, bolster, 3 blankets.

Course Overview


This advanced 20-class course is designed for experienced practitioners seeking to deepen their practice with quick, focused sessions. Each 20-25 minute class is tailored to target specific areas of the body and refine advanced poses, making it perfect for those with busy schedules. The course covers a wide range of topics, from Chair Sarvangasana and its variations to standing poses that prepare the body for forward bends and abdominals. Additionally, you’ll explore challenging asanas such as Bakasana, Vrschikasana, Eka Hasta Bhujasana and much more. Whether you’re aiming to refine your skills or maintain your practice intensity, this course offers a powerful, time-efficient approach to advancing your yoga practice.

Who is this course for?

  • Experienced yoga practitioners seeking to refine and deepen their practice.
  • Advanced students looking for efficient, time-effective yoga sessions.
  • Those interested in exploring challenging poses like Bakasana, Vrschikasana, and Eka Hasta Bhujasana.
  • Practitioners wanting to enhance their strength, flexibility, and precision in a short amount of time.

How will this course help?

  • Deepen your understanding and execution of advanced yoga poses with focused, expert guidance.
  • Build and maintain advanced strength, flexibility, and precision in just 20-25 minute sessions.
  • Efficiently integrate advanced yoga practice into a busy schedule without sacrificing progress.
  • Enhance your ability to tackle challenging asanas with confidence and improved technique.

What do I get from this course?

  • Access to 20 advanced, time-efficient yoga classes tailored for experienced practitioners.
  • Detailed instruction on mastering complex poses like Bakasana, Vrschikasana, and Eka Hasta Bhujasana.
  • Techniques for strengthening the core, improving flexibility, and preparing the body for advanced asanas.
  • A flexible practice schedule that fits into your day while advancing your yoga journey.


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