This course deepens your forward bend practice through Upavistha Konasana and its variations, enhancing flexibility, spinal alignment, and energy flow.
This 5-part course offers a deep dive into Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend) and its variations, including Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana (Revolved Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend), providing a pathway to elevate your forward bend practice. Tailored for experienced students, the course enhances hamstring and adductor flexibility while incorporating targeted twists to release the back and correct spinal imbalances. Each class methodically prepares the body through complementary poses like Trikonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, and Parighasana, isolating key actions to refine alignment and deepen mobility in the hips, legs, and spine. By engaging often hard-to-reach muscle groups like the latissimus dorsi and quadratus lumborum, this course not only offers immediate physical benefits but also lays the groundwork for long-term progress in forward bends. Whether you’re looking to break through plateaus or refine your existing practice, this course will help take your forward bends to the next level, boosting both flexibility and energy flow throughout the body.
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