Therapeutic Yoga

This 20-part Therapeutic Yoga course offers personalised practices to enhance health and well-being, addressing a wide range of physical and mental needs.

Classes Available


Forward Bends Knee Care – Weekly Advanced Class 167

45 Min


Forward bends and knee care. Forward bends are often challenging for people working with knee difficulties. Asanas that require deep kneeling or cross leg variations that simultaneously flex and twist the knee joint are commonly problematic. In a yoga class...

Key Poses

Janu sirsasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana, malasana, marichyasana 1.


Mat, bolster, blanket, small cloth for rolling, 2 belts, 2 blocks.

Yoga For The Piriformis – Weekly Advanced Class 173

45 Min


Yoga to stretch and relax the piriformis muscle. This class on Yoga Selection features a sequence of poses that will help to both lengthen and relax the piriformis muscle. The piriformis is positioned deep in the buttock region. It sits...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, bolsters.

Quadratus Lumborum – Weekly Advanced Class 174

55 Min


This class features poses that target the quadratus lumborum. Although categorised as an abdominal muscle the quadratus lumborum is situated in the lower back either side of the lumbar spine. It connects to both the lowest rib and the top...

Key Poses

Parighasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Wrists – Weekly Intermediate Class 175

45 Min


Yoga for wrists. Wrists are the main focus of this class. The first section of the class focuses on improving general wrist mobility. It includes poses that explore the full range of wrist movement. The next section of the class...

Key Poses

Adho mukha svanasana, vasisthasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, purvottanasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, belt, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga For Kyphosis – Weekly Advanced Class 175

65 Min


Yoga to prevent kyphosis. Kyphosis involves an excessive forward curvature of the spine leading towards rounding or hunching in the upper back. Poor postural habits, sedentary lifestyle and prolonged periods sitting in front of computers can make you more susceptible...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, salabhasana, purvottanasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Rotator Cuff – Weekly Intermediate Class 176

50 Min


This class features a  sequence of poses to help improve the health of your rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons located in and around your shoulder. As the name suggests these muscles...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana 1, belt harness, gomukhasana arms.


Mat, chair, bolster, belt, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga For Depression & Anxiety – Weekly Intermediate Class 185

70 Min


Yoga for depression and anxiety. This class features a sequence to help combat depression and anxiety. Despite being separate conditions, depression and anxiety often overlap and can benefit from similar approaches when practicing yoga. Reducing your stress levels, calming your...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Hip Bursitis – Weekly Advanced Class 189

40 Min


This class features poses that target your hip flexors, IT band, piriformis and gluteals. Improving mobility in these areas can be helpful for yoga practitioners suffering from conditions like hip bursitis. Hip bursitis results from inflammation in the bursa, or...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, gomukhasana preparation.


Mat, chair, blanket.

Yoga For Stress Relief – Weekly Advanced Class 200

45 Min


Yoga for stress relief. This 45 minute class features supported inversions and restorative chest opening poses. The sequence will help to calm your nervous system and release tension from the diaphragm region. It will be well suited to times when...

Key Poses

Viparita karani.


 Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For Strong Bones – Weekly Intermediate Class 207

45 Min


This class will help to build stronger bones and muscles. It will also improve your sense of balance. In addition to being a great class for building overall strength, it will also be beneficial for people practicing with osteoporosis, or...

Key Poses

Chaturanga dandasana, utkatasana, virabhadrasana 1 & 2, chatushpadasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga For Spondylolysis – Weekly Advanced Class 209

25 Min


Nine poses to bring relief to an aching lower back. This class features poses that avoid excessive arching in the lumbar spine. There may be a variety of reasons why you need to avoid overarching your lower back. It may...

Key Poses

Adho mukha virasana, pavanamuktasan, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt. 

Yoga For Sleep – Weekly Advanced Class 215

50 Min


This class features a selection of relaxing restorative poses to help you get a deep and restful sleep. The sequence is designed to be suitable for practicing late in the evening or even directly before bedtime. It contains poses that...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, supported purvottanasana, chair sarvangasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani, savasana.


Mat, 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt. 

Yoga For Anxiety – Weekly Intermediate Class 215

75 Min


Yoga for anxiety. This class features a restorative sequence of calming poses that will help to reduce anxiety. It will also assist in relieving stress and reducing nervous tension. It contains wall-assisted standing poses and a short sequence of forward...

Key Poses

Supta baddha konasana, ardha chandrasana, janu sirsasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, savasana, ujjayi pranayama.


Mat, chair, 2 bolsters, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 219

65 Min


This class features yoga poses for your neck. It includes specific poses and variations that will help to release your neck and improve its range of motion. It also offers suggestions on how to modify or adapt poses that can...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, tadasana with belt harness, viparita dandasana, savasana.


Mat, 1 or 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts. . 

Yoga For Sciatica – Weekly Advanced Class 235

45 Min


Yoga for sciatica. Some people with lower back pain find that their discomfort is greater after extended periods of standing upright or sitting with poor postural alignment. It may be that particular body positions need to be avoided because they...

Key Poses

Pavanamuktasana, supta padangusthasana, malasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, belt.

Yoga For Shoulder Bursitis – Weekly Advanced Class 274

45 Min


Yoga pose to bring relief from shoulder bursitis. Bursae are small, fluid filled sacks that help to ensure smooth movement between bones and soft tissue. They are commonly located around the major joints in the body. Shoulder bursitis results from...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Back Releasing Yoga Poses – Weekly Intermediate Class 292

50 Min


Back releasing yoga poses. This class features a comprehensive selection of back friendly yoga poses. It will be beneficial for: individuals with back pain, people with asymmetries of the spine, or anyone wanting to improve the overall health of their...

Key Poses

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Shoulders & Rotator Cuff – Weekly Intermediate Class 295

55 Min


Improve your shoulder mobility and target the rotator cuff with this shoulder opening class. Explore asanas that have been specifically adapted to focus on the rotator cuff. The class includes a sequence of poses that enhance rotator cuff health. The...

Key Poses

Garudasana, gomukhasana, vasisthasana, anantasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga For Tight Glutes – Weekly Intermediate Class 317

40 Min


Yoga For Tight Gluteals. Your gluteal muscles, located in your buttock region, are essential for strength, stability, and mobility in your body. However, many people struggle with tightness in these muscles, which can create challenges in certain yoga poses. This...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, sukhasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets.

Gentle Upper Back Opening – Weekly Intermediate Class 291

55 Min


Yoga for your upper back. This class features yoga poses that give a gentle opening to the thoracic spine and shoulders. With people spending longer periods of time sitting at desks and working on computers, stiffness in these areas is...

Key Poses

Purvottanasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Course Overview


Explore the therapeutic benefits of yoga with this 20-part Therapeutic Yoga course, specifically designed to cater to a spectrum of physical and mental health needs. Each class in this comprehensive series targets specific body areas and conditions, ranging from knee care and sciatica relief to managing stress and enhancing upper back health. These therapeutic yoga classes blend traditional asanas with specialised techniques to promote healing, mobility, and balance. Ideal for newer and experienced practitioners alike, this course offers a unique opportunity to explore the transformative power of yoga as a therapeutic tool, accessible right from the comfort of your home.

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals seeking relief from specific health conditions like back pain, sciatica, or joint issues.
  • Yoga practitioners looking to deepen their practice with therapeutic techniques.
  • Yogis interested in exploring yoga as a tool for overall health and wellness.
  • Anyone needing stress relief and mental relaxation through guided, mindful yoga practices.

How will this course help?

  • Improves flexibility and mobility, targeting areas such as the spine, hips, and shoulders.
  • Offers relief from chronic pain and specific conditions like sciatica and arthritis.
  • Enhances mental well-being, reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Strengthens muscles and joints, promoting overall physical health and injury prevention.

What do I get from this course?

  • Access to 20 expertly designed yoga therapy classes, each focusing on different health aspects.
  • Comprehensive guidance on yoga techniques for pain relief, flexibility, and mental calmness.
  • Customisable yoga practices suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners.
  • Continuous support and resources for integrating yoga therapy into your daily wellness routine.


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