yoga for sleep

Yoga For Sleep

  Yoga For Sleep The Yoga For Sleep class features a selection of relaxing restorative poses to help you get a deep and restful sleep. This sequence is designed to be suitable for practicing late in the evening or even directly before bedtime. It contains poses that help to diffuse stress and calm the mind. Insomnia may involve difficulty in …

yoga poses for office workers

Yoga Poses For Office Workers

A Yoga Sequence For Office Workers This sequence of yoga poses for office workers will help correct problems commonly associated with spending long hours sitting at a desk or in front of a computer. In our modern age poor posture is becoming increasingly prevalent. Whether we are habitually hunched over during extended periods of computer work, or slouching in an …

Ardha padmasana

Ardha Padmasana

Ardha Padmasana In this class we feature ardha padmasana (half lotus pose). We look at ways of introducing this asana into your practice. Before you progress to this pose it is important that you have first consolidated the basics of the forward bend asana group. Ardha padmasana is a preparatory stage in progressing towards the famous cross legged position padmasana, …

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Unlocking the benefits of Revolved Side Angle Pose If you’re seeking to enhance your yoga practice and explore new poses, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, also known as the Revolved Side Angle Pose, is one pose you should definitely consider incorporating into your routine. In this article, we will delve into the details of this powerful asana, highlighting its benefits and providing you …


Restorative Forward Bends

Restorative Forward Bends Here is a sequence of supported standing poses and restorative forward bends to help you physically and mentally relax. Props such as bolsters and chairs assist you to remain for extended periods of time, with reduced muscular effort, in these rejuvenating poses. This slower paced class will be gentle on your body and soothing for your nervous …

Supported backbends

Supported Backbends

Supported Backbends This sequence is designed to re-energise your backbend practice. The class will help you to get back to including backbends more regularly and confidently in your home practice. It will be ideally suited to times when you feel you are in need of a backbending re-start. In addition to consolidating the foundations and fundamentals of this energising asana …

urdhva mukha svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Urdhva mukha svanasana (upward facing dog pose) is a great pose for lifting energy and preparing your body for a session of backbends. We commonly practice this pose in conjunction with other backbending asanas. It can, however, be helpful if we sometimes explore this pose and its many variations in isolation, as the sole focus of your …

yoga for stress relief

Yoga For Stress Relief

Yoga For Stress Relief This 45 minute class features supported inversions and restorative chest opening poses. The Yoga For Stress Relief sequence will help to calm your nervous system and release tension from the diaphragm region. It will be well suited to times when you are feeling stressed, anxious or overworked. It will also be an ideal practice if you …

Yoga for the Gluteals

Yoga For The Gluteals

Yoga For The Gluteals The gluteals are a group of three muscles located in the buttock region. They play an important role in bringing strength, stability and mobility to the whole body. In addition to being strong, the gluteals can also be a relatively inflexible muscle group for many people. This can present problems when practicing certain yoga poses. The …

yoga twists

Yoga Twists

Yoga Twists Twists are the main focus of this Sequence. It will be a great for helping to improve the health of your back. A wide variety of yoga poses require access to spinal rotation. Yoga twists from standing, seated and reclining positions are all included here. The benefits of practicing yoga twists. Poses like this will help you to …