Parivrtta eka pada sirsasana

Yoga for Balance

Yoga For Balance Balance is the common thread that runs through each of the poses in this sequence. It features a variety of poses that will help to improve your sense of balance. The ability to maintain balance in a yoga pose is dependent on input from multiple sensory fields. Whilst balancing we are continually receiving and processing information from …

Adho mukha virasana

Yoga For Back Pain Relief

Yoga for back pain relief This sequence features yoga poses that help to release tight or contracted muscles in the lower back. The sequence will help to bring relief at times when your back is aching or uncomfortable. It contains variations of soothing poses such as pavana muktasana, malasana and supta padangusthasana. In addition to relieving aches and pains in …

yoga for kyphosis

Yoga For Kyphosis

Understanding Kyphosis and Its Causes Kyphosis, characterized by excessive forward curvature of the spine and hunching in the upper back, can be a result of poor posture habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged sitting in front of computers further increases the risk of developing this condition. If you’re dealing with kyphosis or roundback, you may have tight muscles in your …

yoga for the rotator cuff

Yoga For The Rotator Cuff

Yoga For The Rotator Cuff: Improve Shoulder Health and Reduce Pain Living with rotator cuff pain can greatly affect your quality of life. This two part online course: “Yoga For The Rotator Cuff” may be just what you need. This course is specifically designed to enhance the health of your rotator cuff and alleviate associated pain. By incorporating yoga into …

Tittibhasana (firefly pose)

Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)

Tittibhasana is a challenging arm balance that offers numerous benefits for your body and mind. In this article and accompanying video, we will explore how to perform Tittibhasana and discuss its advantages, including improved hip and leg muscle mobility. Tittibhasana: Balancing Strength, Flexibility, and Control Tittibhasana, also known as Firefly Pose, is an advanced arm balance in yoga. It involves …

yoga for seniors

Yoga For Seniors

Here is a gentle, slower paced sequence that will be particularly well suited to people aged 60 and over. The benefits of yoga for seniors Yoga has many benefits for ageing bodies. It can help to improve muscular strength, bone density and joint mobility. Regular practice of yoga can help to Improve your sense of balance. This can make you …

bedtime yoga

Bedtime Yoga Sequence

Bedtime yoga sequence. This sequence will be ideal for the end of a hard day. It is also perfectly suited to the end of a hard year. Here is a short sequence that will help to combat fatigue. It will be the perfect antidote for times when you are feeling overtired or overworked. It includes energy restoring poses such as …

janu sirsasana (head to knee pose)

Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)

Exploring Janu Sirsasana: The Head to Knee Pose Unveiled Janu Sirsasana, also known as the Head to Knee Pose, is a seated forward bend that combines elements of both forward bends and twists. It involves extending one leg straight while bending the other knee and bringing the foot to the inner thigh. The practitioner then folds forward, reaching toward the …

Marichyasana 3 (Marichi's Pose 3)

Marichyasana 3 (Seated Twist)

Understanding Marichi’s Pose 3 Marichyasana 3, also known as Marichi’s Pose 3, is a seated yoga asana that involves twisting the torso. In this pose, one leg is extended straight while the other leg is bent and placed close to the hip, creating a deep twist. The arms wrap around the bent leg and clasp behind the back, enhancing the …