Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Understanding Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is a popular yoga pose also known as Cobra Pose. It involves lying on your front, placing your hands underneath your shoulders, and lifting your upper body while keeping your pelvis and legs grounded. This pose gently stretches the spine, opens the chest, and strengthens the back muscles, promoting flexibility and improving posture.

The Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, offers a range of benefits for both the body and mind. This pose mobilises and strengthens the spine, promoting flexibility and relieving tension in the back muscles. It opens up the chest and improves lung capacity. Additionally, this energising backbend helps to invigorate the body, boost energy levels, and promote a sense of rejuvenation. With regular practice, Bhujangasana can contribute to improved posture, increased body awareness, and a greater sense of well-being.

Approaching Bhujangasana Safely

If you have lower back problems, practicing Bhujangasana can be potentially challenging. Forcing the straightening of your arms while in the pose may put undue pressure on your lumbar spine, leading to compression and discomfort. To avoid this, it’s essential to practice Bhujangasana mindfully and with proper guidance.

Techniques and Variations for Safe Practice

The sequence featured below provides valuable techniques and variations to ensure a safe and effective Bhujangasana practice. By focusing on accessing movement in your upper back, you can alleviate strain on your lower back. This approach helps distribute the backbend evenly throughout your spine, minimising the risk of injury and maximising the benefits of the pose.

Bhujangasana Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana On-Demand Video on Yoga Selection

Modifying Bhujangasana with Supports

For those who need additional support or have limitations, modifications can be beneficial. This sequence demonstrates how props can be used to modify Bhujangasana. With the help of props like chairs, blocks or blankets, you can adjust the pose to suit your body’s needs and avoid unnecessary strain on your lower back.

Bhujangasana On-Demand Video

To further deepen your understanding and practice of Bhujangasana, we invite you to explore our online yoga class on This comprehensive class includes detailed instructions, demonstrations, and additional variations of Bhujangasana.

Unlocking Vitality with Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, is a powerful backbend that offers numerous benefits for the body and mind. By practicing this pose safely and with proper guidance, you can uplift your energy levels, open your chest, and experience a sense of renewal. Remember to approach Bhujangasana mindfully, follow the techniques and variations provided, and make use of modifications if needed.

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