Supta baddha konasana

Yoga For Depression & Anxiety

This class features a sequence to help combat depression and anxiety. Despite being separate conditions, depression and anxiety often overlap and can benefit from similar approaches when practicing yoga. Reducing your stress levels, calming your nervous system, improving your ability to mentally focus and cultivating smooth and even rates of breathing can be a great starting point when working with …

Seated Yoga Poses For Shoulders

This 35 minute class features seated yoga poses for shoulders. Apart from the use of a chair the class relies on no other specific yoga equipment. This makes the class well suited to home or even office practice. The sequence includes a variety of poses and arm variations that will help to improve your shoulder mobility. It targets all of …

yoga for hip bursitis

Yoga For Hip Bursitis

This class features poses that target your hip flexors, IT band, piriformis and gluteals. Improving mobility in these areas can be helpful for yoga practitioners suffering from conditions like hip bursitis. Hip bursitis results from inflammation in the bursa, or fluid filled sac that helps to reduce friction between the bones and surrounding soft tissue within the hip region. This …

Restorative Yoga Sequence

                            This class features a restorative yoga sequence. Each pose in the sequence is supported with yoga props. The supports help to preserve energy and give you the option of staying longer in poses. This allows extra time for the benefit of each pose to be received. …

chaturanga dandasana (four limbed staff pose)

Chaturanga Dandasana – Tips and Techniques

Mastering the Four Limbed Staff Pose Chaturanga Dandasana, also known as the Four Limbed Staff Pose, can pose a challenge for many yoga practitioners. While it may appear as a binary pose—either achievable or unattainable—there are nuances and variations that make it accessible to a wider range of individuals. In this article, we will explore tips and techniques to help …

yoga for the quadratus lumborum

Quadratus Lumborum – Yoga For Lower Back

Yoga For Quadratus Lumborum: Yoga’s Role in Alleviating Lower Back Stiffness and Pain The quadratus lumborum is a large lower back muscle that attaches to the lumbar spine, lower ribs and crest of the pelvis. This stabilising muscle plays an important role in postural control during standing, sitting and walking. A sedentary lifestyle characterised by long periods sitting at a …

yoga for the piriformis

Piriformis – 4 Yoga Poses To Get Relief

Understanding the Role of Yoga in Relieving Piriformis Tightness This post guides you through a short sequence of yoga poses you can practice at home to get some relief from a tight piriformis muscle. The piriformis is positioned deep in the buttock region. It sits underneath the gluteus maximus and attaches to the greater trochanter (the protuberance at the top …

Yoga For Strength

Yoga Sequence For Strength   Learn a short yoga sequence for strength that you can practice at home with minimal equipment. This group of yoga poses for strength is particularly relevant at the moment as many of us find ourselves housebound and restricted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Practicing yoga for strength is a versatile way to tone your whole body …

Yoga For Immune System

Yoga for immune system support   Learn Iyengar yoga for immune system support in this step-by-step sequence. The Iyengar method has an extensive range of poses to draw upon during times when you are looking to boost your resilience against infections. We are all currently dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety about our own health and wellbeing, as …

Dwi Hasta Bhujasana

Dwi hatsa bhujasana is a key pose within the group of asanas known as arm balances. This post aims to break dwi hasta bhujasana down into clearly defined stages that isolate important actions and techniques. This will help you to approach the pose with confidence. Understanding Dwi Hasta Bhujasana Dwi hasta bhujasana, or the Two Handed Arm Pose is a challenging …