Urdhva dhanurasana

Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)

This class helps you to improve shoulder mobility whilst practicing urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow pose). It includes techniques and that will assist you to bypass shoulder stiffness and create a more balanced and composed asana.  For urdhva dhanurasana to be a balanced pose it needs mobility from multiple regions of the body. Spreading the workload of the pose among the legs, lower back, upper back, shoulders and arms can bring a sense of lightness and ease to a pose that can otherwise feel heavy and strenuous. Generally in yoga poses, when one part of the body under works, another part of the body will be over working. This is particularly the case with the relationship between the shoulders and the lower back in urdhva dhanurasana. Finding extra space for your shoulders can help to remove the risk of strain on your lumbar spine.  click here to view Weekly Advanced Class 187

Wheel pose