Marichyasana 3 (Marichi's Pose 3)

Marichyasana 3 (Seated Twist)

Understanding Marichi’s Pose 3

Marichyasana 3, also known as Marichi’s Pose 3, is a seated yoga asana that involves twisting the torso. In this pose, one leg is extended straight while the other leg is bent and placed close to the hip, creating a deep twist. The arms wrap around the bent leg and clasp behind the back, enhancing the stretch and further opening the chest.

Marichyasana III: Unraveling the Secrets of Seated Twists

Are you looking to enhance your spinal mobility and release tension in your back muscles? Look no further than Marichyasana 3. This yoga asana belongs to the family of seated twisting poses, which provide numerous benefits for your body.

Why Twisting Poses Matter

Twisting poses are fantastic for maintaining and improving spinal flexibility. They gently stretch and lengthen the muscles associated with your back, offering relief from stiffness and discomfort. But there’s more to it than just that.

Targeting the Shoulders

In addition to benefiting your spine, twists also work wonders for your shoulders. As you twist your torso, shoulder mobility comes into play, helping your upper body and spine work harmoniously together. Marichyasana III is a prime example of this. Eventually this pose involves an arm clasp action, making it an advanced variation suited for experienced practitioners. In this version of the pose, you’ll experience a deep twist that can have incredible benefits for your body and mind.

Marichyasana 3

Instructional Video: Your Guide to Marichyasana 3

If you’re new to Marichyasana 3, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. In our online Marichyasana III instructional video at, we’ll walk you through each of the steps you will need to confidently practice this pose. Our on-demand video provides essential tips and modifications for practitioners of all levels.

Exploring More Seated Twists

In this class we’ll also delve into the introductory version of the pose, allowing beginners to gradually build their practice. Additionally, we’ll explore other key seated twists, like Bharadvajasana, with a focus on shoulder alignment for a well-rounded practice.

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