Intermediate Backbends

This course offers a structured approach to intermediate backbends, emphasising fundamentals, strength-building, posture improvement, and progression from foundational to more advanced backbends.

Classes Available


Intermediate Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 279

45 Min


Backbends: the basics. This class guides you through some basic preparatory backbends like salabhasana, dhanurasana, urdhva mukha svanasana and ustrasana. It then explores chair backbends from the perspective of someone who is still consolidating the fundamentals of poses like viparita...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Four Key Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 304

40 Min


This class covers a wide array of preliminary backbends and highlights essential actions and techniques. You’ll have the opportunity to practice key backbends like salabhasana, dhanurasana, ustrasana, bhujangasana, and urdhva mukha svanasana, along with various backbend-related standing pose variations. Besides...

Key Poses

Salabhasana, bhujangasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Energy Boosting Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 299

45 Min


This class is designed to boost your energy and enhance your backbend practice. It begins with gentle preparatory backbends like salabhasana and urdhva mukha svanasana to warm up your body. As the session progresses, we delve into chair backbends, specifically...

Key Poses

Salabhasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets.

Baby Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 225

45 Min


This class will help to expand your understanding of basic backbend techniques. It features a comprehensive selection of the preliminary “baby” backbends and emphasises fundamental actions and essential techniques. Key backbends such as salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, bhujangasana and urdhva mukha...

Key Poses

salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, bhujangasana, urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, 2 blocks, belt, blanket.

Extended Backbends Sequence – Weekly Intermediate Class 247

80 Min


This class features an extended sequence of intermediate backbends. Some inversions and back releasing poses are also included. It will be great for clarifying the fundamentals and reinforcing the basics of the backbend asana group. In addition to highlighting key...

Key Poses

Salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, sirsasana. 


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Supported Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 196

50 Min


Supported backbends. This sequence is designed to re-energise your backbend practice and help you to get back to including backbends more regularly and confidently in your home practice. It will be ideally suited to times when you feel you are...

Key Poses

Dwi pada viparita dandasana, supported urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Backbends (Urdvha Dhanurasana) – Weekly Intermediate Class 204

45 Min


Here is a class to help if you are someone who struggles to lift up into backbends like urdhva dhanurasana. It is very common for people to experience difficulty with this action. Although it may feel as if this problem...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Troubleshooting Urdhva Dhanurasana – Weekly Intermediate Class 248

50 Min


Troubleshooting urdhva dhanurasana. This class explores different ways of approaching the key backbend urdhva dhanurasana. When learning this pose it is important to experience a variety of different approaches. The benefits of these methods will vary according to the individual...

Key Poses

Urdhva dhanurasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Course Overview


This 8-part course guides you through the full spectrum of intermediate level backbends. It will be great for clarifying the fundamentals and reinforcing the basics of the backbend asana group. In addition to highlighting key concepts and techniques this sequence will also be great for building strength, improving posture and boosting energy levels. Key foundation backbends such as salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, and urdhva mukha svanasana are included. Learn chair backbends in a step-by-step progression culminating in poses like viparita dandasana. Progress at your own pace towards more advanced backbends such as urdhva dhanurasana.


Who is this course for?

  • Students with a basic understanding of yoga looking to delve deeper into intermediate backbends.
  • Practitioners seeking to strengthen their posture and increase energy through backbend asanas.
  • Those aiming to methodically progress from foundational to advanced backbend poses.
  • Yogis eager to solidify and expand their knowledge of backbend fundamentals and techniques.

How will this course help?

  • Learn intermediate backbend techniques, leading to deeper and safer practices.
  • Improve physical strength and posture.
  • Increased energy and vitality, derived from the invigorating nature of backbend asanas.
  • Enhanced clarity on foundational backbend concepts, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and effective practice.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to Standing Poses
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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