Hip Opening Yoga Poses

Unlock Your Hips and Improve Mobility with Hip Opening Yoga Poses.

Classes Available


Yoga For Hips – Weekly Intermediate Class 217

65 Min


Yoga for hips. Improve the range of motion in your hips with this class. This class features a hip opening sequence for people with tight hips. It will target muscle groups such as your adductors, gluteals and hip flexors. Each...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, baddha konasana.


Mat, chair, bolsters, blanket, 2 blocks.

Glutes & Piriformis – Weekly Intermediate Class 268

50 Min


Yoga to stretch and relax the piriformis and gluteal muscle group. This class features a sequence of poses that will help to both lengthen and relax the piriformis muscle. It will also be a great sequence for improving general mobility...

Key Poses

Gomukhasana prep, eka pada rajakapotasana, supta padangusthasana..


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt.

Adductors – Weekly Intermediate Class 179

40 Min


This class features poses that lengthen the adductors. For some people this type of sequence might be beneficial for therapeutic reasons. For others it will be a great catalyst for improving your home yoga practice and making a wider range...

Key Poses

Ardha chandrasana, trikonasana, utthita hasta padangusthasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Reclining Yoga Poses – Weekly Intermediate Class 168

45 Min


Reclining yoga poses. The entire sequence from this class can be completed from a reclining position. It includes poses and variations that focus on releasing your back and opening your hips. These areas of the body can benefit from being...

Key Poses

Supta padangusthasana.


Mat, belt.

Yoga Poses For Hip Flexors – Weekly Intermediate Class 169

40 Min


Yoga poses for tight hip flexors. The hip flexors are a group of muscles that join the legs to the torso. When you lift your knees and move them closer to your body your are using your hip flexors. If...

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana 1, eka pada rajakapotasana.


 Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Gluteals – Weekly Intermediate Class 203

35 Min


Yoga poses for the gluteal muscles. The gluteals are a group of three muscles located in the buttock region. They play an important role in bringing strength, stability and mobility to the whole body. In addition to being strong, the...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, belt.

Vinyasa Hips & Twists – Weekly Intermediate Class 218

60 Min


Dynamic forward bends and twists. This class places forward bends and twists within a dynamic, vinyasa style sequence. It builds on last weeks class by including a number of the same hip opening poses and gives you the opportunity to...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, upavista konasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, blanket, belt.

Yoga For The Piriformis Muscle – Weekly Intermediate Class 227

45 Min


Yoga for the piriformis muscle. This class features a selection of yoga poses that can help to lengthen the piriformis. This muscle is located deep in the buttock region. In yoga classes it is common for people to be interested...

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, supta padangusthasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, belt, blanket.

Calves, Quadriceps, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Adductors, Shins & Gluteals – Weekly Intermediate Class 250

75 Min


Here is an opportunity to focus on some hard to reach areas areas that can sometimes get overlooked in yoga sequences. This class features an extended sequence that will target the main muscle groups associated with your legs and pelvis....

Key Poses

Virabhadrasana I, parsvottanasana, bhekasana, eka pada rajakapotasana, supta padangusthasana. 


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) – Weekly Intermediate Class 259

65 Min


Padmasana (lotus pose). In this week’s class we are revisiting the famous seated pose padmasana. Try this extended sequence featuring asanas, variations and techniques that will help you progressively build towards full lotus. Preparatory poses such as sukhasana, baddha konasana...

Key Poses



Mat, 2 blankets, belt.

Course Overview


Hip opening yoga poses. Are you struggling with tight hips and limited range of motion? Look no further! This invigorating yoga course consists of 10 classes, each specifically designed to target your hip muscles, including the adductors, gluteals, and hip flexors. Whether you have restricted mobility or stiff hips, our expertly crafted sequences anticipate potential difficulties and provide a range of solutions. Through a combination of poses that improve hip mobility and modifications for individual needs, this transformative course will unlock stiffness, enhance flexibility, and make a wider range of poses accessible. Say goodbye to limitations in your yoga practice and embrace the freedom of open hips.

Who is this course for?

This comprehensive online course is designed for:

  • Individuals with Tight Hips: If you struggle with limited mobility and stiffness in your hips, this course will help you open up and increase flexibility.
  • Those with Hip-Related Discomfort: If you experience hip bursitis, tight glutes, or discomfort due to prolonged sitting, this course provides therapeutic poses to alleviate pain.
  • Individuals Seeking Balance and Stability: Strengthen and stabilise your hip muscles to improve balance, posture, and overall stability in your yoga practice and daily life.
  • Athletes and Runners: If you’re an athlete or a runner, this course will address the specific needs of your hip flexors, helping to enhance performance and prevent injuries.
  • Students Looking to Deepen their Practice: Dive deep into hip opening poses and develop a well-rounded home yoga practice with this transformative 10-class course.
  • Individuals with Restricted Mobility: The course focuses on providing solutions and modifications for those with limited mobility in the hip region, helping you find sustainable and balanced poses.

How will this course help?

Experience the following benefits:

  • Increase Range of Motion: Targeted hip opening poses will improve the flexibility and range of motion in your hips.
  • Release Tightness: Lengthen and loosen the adductors, gluteals, and hip flexors, reducing stiffness and tension.
  • Enhance Stability and Balance: Strengthen and stabilise the hip muscles, promoting better balance and posture.
  • Alleviate Discomfort: Find relief from hip-related issues such as hip bursitis, tight glutes, and pain associated with prolonged sitting.
  • Access a Wider Range of Poses: Open hips will enable you to perform standing poses and forward bends with greater ease.
  • Personalised Modifications: Let us guide you through modifications tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a safe and effective practice.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to hip opening yoga tailored to fit into your busy schedule
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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