Vinyasa Hips & Twists – Weekly Intermediate Class 218

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Dynamic forward bends and twists. This class places forward bends and twists within a dynamic, vinyasa style sequence. It builds on last weeks class by including a number of the same hip opening poses and gives you the opportunity to explore them further within a faster paced, flowing practice. The teaching instruction in this class focuses on transition movements that encourage a sense of continuity, as opposed to detailed description of static positions. It is refreshing to explore forward bends and twists in a faster paced class. Students with more restricted mobility may find that this approach helps to cut through stiffness. The class will be particularly helpful in terms of releasing tight gluteals and the muscles associated with your spine. The to-and-fro action of stepping between uttanasana, adho mukha svanasana and eka pada rajakapotasana can help to bring a quality of lightness and energy to forward bends and twists.

Key Poses

Eka pada rajakapotasana, upavista konasana, bharadvajasana, marichyasana III.


Mat, blanket, belt.
vinyasa hip sequence

Next Up Lessons

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