Padmasana (lotus pose). In this week’s class we are revisiting the famous seated pose padmasana. Try this extended sequence featuring asanas, variations and techniques that will help you progressively build towards full lotus. Preparatory poses such as sukhasana, baddha konasana and janu sirsasana are included at the beginning of the class. It then develops methodically. Padmasana is introduced initially in a reclining position where you are able to explore the pose whilst minimising the risk of straining your knees. A wide-kneed version of the pose called kamalasana is then practiced sitting on a support. This lets you focus on the external hip rotation that is a prerequisite for progressing towards the full pose. At each stage you can either stay and consolidate or move forwards according to your own capacity. The class will serve as an introduction to padmasana and its related poses for intermediate students who are looking to expand their knowledge of the seated asana group. More experienced students will also benefit from the class and will be able to use it to improve hip, ankle and knee mobility.