yoga for upper body strength

Yoga For Upper Body Strength

Yoga for improving upper body strength. This 20 minute class will help you to strengthen your wrists, arms, shoulders and chest. It includes a variety of energising poses from different asana groups. Improving your upper body strength can bring many benefits. It can help to improve bone health, correct poor postural habits, assist with weight loss and build confidence levels. …

yoga for the quadratus lumborum

Quadratus Lumborum – Yoga For Lower Back

Yoga For Quadratus Lumborum: Yoga’s Role in Alleviating Lower Back Stiffness and Pain The quadratus lumborum is a large lower back muscle that attaches to the lumbar spine, lower ribs and crest of the pelvis. This stabilising muscle plays an important role in postural control during standing, sitting and walking. A sedentary lifestyle characterised by long periods sitting at a …

yoga for the piriformis

Piriformis – 4 Yoga Poses To Get Relief

Understanding the Role of Yoga in Relieving Piriformis Tightness This post guides you through a short sequence of yoga poses you can practice at home to get some relief from a tight piriformis muscle. The piriformis is positioned deep in the buttock region. It sits underneath the gluteus maximus and attaches to the greater trochanter (the protuberance at the top …

Yoga For Strength

Yoga Sequence For Strength   Learn a short yoga sequence for strength that you can practice at home with minimal equipment. This group of yoga poses for strength is particularly relevant at the moment as many of us find ourselves housebound and restricted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Practicing yoga for strength is a versatile way to tone your whole body …

Iyengar Yoga For Runners

Iyengar Yoga For Runners

Understanding Yoga for Runners Every runner knows the importance of stretching. It’s a cornerstone for maintaining muscle health and optimising joint mobility. Why Regular Stretching Matters Engaging in stretching, especially post-run, fights off stiffness and reduces injury risk, essential for those covering long distances. The Journey from Basic Stretches to Structured Yoga For many, the world of stretching opens up …

Iyengar Yoga For Lower Back Pain

Holistic Approach: Iyengar Yoga Poses to Relieve Lower Back Pain There are numerous ways in which Iyengar Yoga can help to reduce lower back pain. Although there are many causes for lower back pain, it is very common for people to arrive at yoga classes with this pain originating at least in part from tight hamstrings. Understanding the Role of …

iyengar yoga sequence

Iyengar Yoga Practice Sequence For Home

An Accessible and Adaptable Iyengar Yoga Sequence for Home Practice This simple sequence of Iyengar yoga poses will be ideal for kickstarting your Iyengar yoga practice. It concentrates mainly on standing poses, and includes a couple of inversions that are central to Iyengar Yoga sequences. The inverted poses are intended for more experienced students, and can easily be left out by beginners. No …