yoga for the quadratus lumborum

Quadratus Lumborum – Yoga For Lower Back

Yoga For Quadratus Lumborum: Yoga’s Role in Alleviating Lower Back Stiffness and Pain

The quadratus lumborum is a large lower back muscle that attaches to the lumbar spine, lower ribs and crest of the pelvis. This stabilising muscle plays an important role in postural control during standing, sitting and walking. A sedentary lifestyle characterised by long periods sitting at a desk can tighten the quadratus lumborum, leading to lower back stiffness and pain.

Targeting the Quadratus Lumborum for Improved Mobility

For yoga practitioners, restricted mobility in the quadratus lumborum can limit access to a range of more advanced seated poses and forward bends. Asanas such as parivrtta janu sirsasana and parighasana where the torso is twisted with arms raised above the head can be particularly effective in targeting this area.

Quadratus lumborum yoga poses

Quadratus Lumborum Yoga Sequence: Relieve Stiffness and Improve Elasticity

This sequence will help to counteract stiffness and bring elasticity to this region of the lower back. Ideally this sequence can be practiced on both left and right sides and the poses can be repeated according to how much time you have available. For a more comprehensive overview with detailed video instruction, try this click below.

Here’s an in-depth preview of several essential Quadratus Lumborum yoga poses featured in the sequence, complete with fundamental pointers and key actions.

quadratus lumborum release

Pose 1 – Parighasana Variation for Quadtratus Lumborum

Basic Points

  • From kneeling extend your left leg out to the wall so that the ball of the foot is touching the wall
  • Your right knee should be under your right hip (thigh perpendicular to the floor)
  • Place your left hand onto a block beside the outer left leg, under the shoulder
  • The right hand comes to the wall, above the left foot
  • Press the ball of the left foot into the wall

Key Actions

  • Draw the left thigh bone into the hip socket
  • Right outer shin presses down
  • Without losing that pressure, press the right hand more firmly into the wall
  • Walk the tight hand higher up the wall
  • Lengthen the left side of the torso
  • Turn the chest towards the ceiling

latissimus release

Pose 2 – Simple Cross Legs Variation

Basic Points

  • Sit on a folded blanket (take as much height as you need to ensure that your lower back is lifting)
  • Place a chair facing forwards in front of you
  • Reach the left hand to the top of the chair
  • Bring the hand across to the right side of the chair
  • Place your right hand to the floor, beside your right knee

Key Actions

  • Grip the top of the chair firmly with your left hand
  • Keep your left sitting bone firmly on the blanket
  • Lengthen the left side of the torso
  • Turn the left back ribs away from the spine
latissimus dorsi release

Pose 3 – Janu Sirsasana Variation

Basic Points

  • The previous pose prepares you for this one
  • Sit with the right leg straight and the left knee bent
  • The left heal sits towards the left inner groin, with the toes touching the right inner thigh
  • Place the chair over the right leg
  • Reach the left hand to the top of the chair
  • Bring the hand across to the right side of the chair
  • Place your right hand to the floor, beside your right knee

Key Actions

  • Grip the top of the chair firmly with your left hand
  • Keep your left sitting bone firmly on the floor (or blanket if you are sitting on some height)
  • Lengthen the left side of the torso
  • Turn the left back ribs away from the spine
  • Move your navel towards your right waist
quadratus lumborum release

Pose 4 – Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana Variation for Quadratus Lumborum

Basic Points

  • Remain in Janu Sirsasana from the previous pose, but remove the chair
  • Create a small loop with a belt and place it firmly around the right foot
  • Bring the right hand to the floor, beside the right inner leg
  • Lengthen the right side of the torso and bring the right elbow to the floor beside the right inner leg
  • Slide the hand and elbow further away from the pelvis
  • Turn the right hand to hold the inner edge of the right foot
  • Thumb to the top of the foot, finger tips to the sole of the foot
  • Hold the belt with the left hand
  • Pull firmly on the belt

Key Actions

  • Use the leverage of the left arm pulling against the belt to turn the chest upwards towards the ceiling
  • Lift the left elbow upwards towards the ceiling
  • Press the right elbow against the right leg to turn further
QL release

Pose 5 – Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana Variation

Basic Points

  • Sit upright facing the wall in upavistha konasana, with the inner edges of your feet against the wall
  • Place the palms of both hands to the wall at shoulder height
  • Lift your chest and back waist
  • Press both thigh bones down to the floor
  • Walk both hands down the wall towards the right side
  • Lengthen the right side of the torso
  • Bring the right elbow towards the floor

Key Actions

  • Lengthen the right waist over the right thigh
  • Press both hands into the wall
  • Turn the chest towards the ceiling

Unlocking the Quadratus Lumborum: Embrace a Pain-Free Back

Incorporating yoga into your routine to target the quadratus lumborum can help to relieve lower back stiffness and pain. By enhancing mobility in this crucial muscle, you not only pave the way for a more comfortable daily life but also unlock access to a broader range of yoga poses.

Start your journey to a healthier, pain-free back today.

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