Yoga For Neck Health

Explore a holistic approach to neck health with our 6-part online yoga series, featuring targeted asanas for your neck strength and mobility.

Classes Available


Yoga For The Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders – Weekly Advanced Class 266

50 Min


Yoga for your upper back, neck and shoulders. Backbends can be used in a wide variety of ways to achieve different effects and benefits. This class applies a more therapeutic slant on the backbend asana group to benefit your upper...

Key Poses

Salabhasana, ustrasana, urdhva dhanurasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks.

Yoga For The Neck – Weekly Intermediate Class 242

55 Min


Intermediate yoga for the neck. This sequence selects yoga poses that will help to improve the health of your neck. The neck tends to benefit from improved mobility and strength in the thoracic spine. Many of the poses in this...

Key Poses

Belt harness standing poses, ustrasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts.

Backbends For The Upper Back & Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 242

60 Min


Backbends for your upper back and neck. This sequence will help to: correct rounding in your thoracic spine, relieve discomfort in your neck, and release tension from your shoulders and upper back. Problems associated with your neck and upper back...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, purvottanasana, viparita dandasana.


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back – Weekly Advanced Class 228

60 Min


Yoga poses for your neck, shoulders and upper back. Discomfort in your neck can originate from poor postural habits and restricted mobility in your upper back and shoulders. This class will help to free up movement in each of these...

Key Poses

Standing poses with shoulder harness, chair backbends.


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts.

Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders – Weekly Intermediate Class 219

50 Min


Yoga for the upper back and shoulders. This week we are focusing on the neck and the regions of the body that surround it. The upper back and shoulders are key areas when working to improve the health of your...

Key Poses

Parighasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga For The Neck – Weekly Advanced Class 219

65 Min


This class features yoga poses for your neck. It includes specific poses and variations that will help to release your neck and improve its range of motion. It also offers suggestions on how to modify or adapt poses that can...

Key Poses

Uttanasana, tadasana with belt harness, viparita dandasana, savasana.


Mat, 1 or 2 chairs, 2 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 2 belts. . 

Course Overview


This 6-part online yoga series is specifically designed to enhance neck health. Focused on improving mobility, strength, and relieving discomfort, this course carefully selects yoga poses targeting the neck, upper back, and shoulders. Learn effective techniques, including supported backbends and therapeutic yoga belt uses, to alleviate stiffness and achieve a greater range of motion. Join us to embark on a journey towards a more comfortable and healthier neck.

Who is this course for?

-Individuals experiencing neck stiffness or pain looking for natural relief methods.
-Yoga beginners and enthusiasts seeking focused exercises for neck and upper body health.
-Office workers and others with sedentary lifestyles needing to improve neck and shoulder mobility.
-Anyone interested in incorporating therapeutic yoga techniques into their wellness routine.

How will this course help?

-Alleviates neck stiffness and pain through targeted yoga poses and techniques.
-Enhances mobility and strength in the neck, shoulders, and upper back areas.
-Teaches therapeutic uses of yoga belts for effective neck and shoulder traction.
-Promotes overall physical wellbeing and posture improvement through holistic exercises.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to Yoga For Neck Health
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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