Yoga Inversions

Integrate yoga inversions into your practice with this four-part course.

Classes Available


Adding Inversions To Standing Poses – Weekly Intermediate Class 64

55 Min


This class will help you to confidently integrate inversions with other poses in your yoga practice. It combines a sequence of standing poses with sirsasana (headstand), adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) and sarvangasana (shoulderstand). Each of the inversions are initially presented...

Key Poses

Sirsasana preparation, adho mukha vrksasana preparation, halasana, standing poses.


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Adding Inversions to Forward Bends & Twists – Weekly Intermediate Class 65

55 Min


This class continues our focus on building inversions into your home practice. In this sequence inversions are added to forward bends and twists. Initially adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) and sirsasana (headstand) are practiced in their preparatory stages. Eventually the action...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana preparation, paschimottanasana, upavista konasana, bharadvajasana, sarvangasana


Mat, chair, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Adding Inversions to Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 66

55 Min


This class helps you to integrate inversions with a backbend sequence. The early section of the class concentrates on handstand and headstand. Initially the preparatory versions of the poses are practiced, and then you are guided through ways of approaching...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana preparation, urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Adding Inversions To Restorative Poses – Weekly Intermediate Class 67

55 Min


This is the last in our series of classes combining inversions with the main groups of yoga poses. In this class inversions are built into a sequence that also contains some of the more commonly practiced restorative poses. Techniques from...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, viparita karani


Mat, chair, bolster, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

Course Overview


Integrate yoga inversions into your practice with this four-part course. There are many benefits that flow from the regular practice of inversions. They are energising and can assist with venous and lymphatic drainage, building core strength and fostering mindfulness. Inversions form a key part of Iyengar yoga and are practiced regularly as students start to move through the intermediate and advanced levels.

Designed specifically for students still in the process of learning full inversions, this course will guide you step-by-step. Working through preparatory stages for the key poses will help you to build strength and confidence. Ultimately, techniques that assist with the safe practice of full inversions are explored. Finally, linking them with standing poses, forward bends, backbends and restorative poses assists you in forming a balanced practice.

Who is this course for?

  • If you are doing intermediate level classes, this course will help you build confidence with your inversions
  • Those looking to consolidate their learning around basic principles of the key inversions
  • Completion of the Yoga Selection beginners program or equivalent is recommended

How will this course help?

This course will assist you to integrate inversions into your regular practice so that you can start to reap the benefits from these poses. They have therapeutic, strengthening and energising effects and form a key part of Iyengar yoga sequencing.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to integrating yoga inversions into your practice, for students at the intermediate level
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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