Adding Inversions to Backbends – Weekly Intermediate Class 66

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This class helps you to integrate inversions with a backbend sequence. The early section of the class concentrates on handstand and headstand. Initially the preparatory versions of the poses are practiced, and then you are guided through ways of approaching the full poses. The strengthening effects of the preparatory inversions will continue to be beneficial beyond the point where you are able to confidently practice the final positions.

The backbend component of the class will be ideal for intermediate students who are looking to expand their understanding of basic backbend techniques. The sequence includes most of the “baby backbends” and also an introductory look at chair backbends.

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana, sirsasana preparation, urdhva mukha svanasana, ustrasana, viparita dandasana


Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt

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55 Min

Adding Inversions To Restorative Poses – Weekly Intermediate Class 67
