Strengthen and stabilise your upper body with this 5-part course, featuring targeted poses for improved upper body strength.
Boost your upper body strength with this comprehensive 5-part online course, designed to enhance strength and stability in your arms, chest, and shoulders. Through accessible variations of weight-bearing poses like chaturanga dandasana, urdhva mukha vrksasana, vasisthasana and lolasana, you will not only fortify these areas but also target the deltoids, pectorals, and triceps. This course emphasises synchronising movements to engage the core, helping to tone the rectus abdominis and obliques, thereby creating a harmonious relationship between your major muscle groups. As you progress, you’ll notice improved joint stability and bone strength, contributing to better posture, balance, and overall body stability. Strengthening these muscles provides crucial support to your spine, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing your everyday functional movements.
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