Express Yoga – Series Two

Make sure you get your yoga practice in, even when you are stretched for time.

Classes Available


Yoga For Weight Loss – Weekly Intermediate Class 275

30 Min


Yoga for weight loss. This class features a variety of abdominal strengthening asanas combined with a dynamic, vinyasa-style sequence that alternates between utkatasana, adho mukha svanasana and virabhadrasana I. In addition to toning your abdominals the class will also: strengthen...

Key Poses

Surya namaskar variations, urdhva prasarita padasana.


Mat, blanket.

Yoga Sequence Using Doweling – Weekly Intermediate Class 257

30 Min


This easy to practice sequence relies solely on a simple length of doweling. This type of yoga prop can be easily found or improvised from domestic objects around the house. The class demonstrates ways of using a length of doweling...

Key Poses

Gokukhasana arms, parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana I & II, urdhva hastasana. 


Mat, doweling, blanket.

Virabhadrasana III – Weekly Intermediate Class 253

30 Min


Take a in-depth look at virabhadrasana III with this class. It explores the basic shape of the standing pose virabhadrasana III and rotates it in different directions to highlight connections with other straight leg poses. The class revolves this distinctive...

Key Poses

Virabhdrasana III.


Mat, chair, belt, blanket.

Express Standing Poses With Breath Awareness – Weekly Intermediate Class 245

30 Min


This class features an express sequence of standing poses. This asana group is fantastic for being able to shake off dullness and lighten your mood. It is great for opening your chest and circulating energy. This sequence emphasises the urdhva...

Key Poses

Standing poses.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose) – Weekly Intermediate Class 235

30 Min


This week we are revisiting the kneeling backbend ustrasana (camel pose). The class highlights fundamental actions of the classical pose and also explores some supported variations. It contains some chair adaptations that will help to support your neck and improve...

Key Poses



Mat, chair, bolster, 2 blankets, belt.

Yoga For Upper Body Strength – Weekly Intermediate Class 187

20 Min


Yoga for improving upper body strength. This 20 minute class will help you to strengthen your wrists, arms, shoulders and chest. It includes a variety of energising poses from different asana groups. Improving your upper body strength can bring many...

Key Poses

Chaturanga dandasana, vasisthasana, sirsasana preparation, adho mukha vrksasana preparation.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga To Lift Your Mood – Weekly Intermediate Class 186

30 Min


Yoga to lift your mood. Standing poses are fantastic for being able to shake off dullness and shift your mood. Their natural tendency is to open your chest and circulate energy. This sequence emphasises the urdhva hastasana action of raising...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, utkatasana, virabhadrasana 1 & 2, sirsasana, setu bandha sarvangasana.


Mat, blanket, 2 blocks.

Core Strength – Weekly Intermediate Class 183

30 Min


In addition to strengthening your abdominal muscles this class will also help to strengthen each of the main muscles associated with the core muscle group. These muscles reach deep into the torso and help to stabilise your spine, pelvis and...

Key Poses

Paripurna navasana, vasisthasana.


Block, blanket.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana – Weekly Intermediate Class 165

30 Min


How to kick up into a handstand. For many people learning how to independently kick up into a handstand can feel like a rite of passage in their yoga practice. It can act like a landmark that signifies progress and...

Key Poses

Adho mukha vrksasana.


Mat, 2 blocks.

Course Overview


Make sure you get your yoga practice in, even when you are stretched for time. This Express Yoga course is a curated set of nine 30 minute classes covering a range of key areas and focal points. Perfect for your lunch break, or or any other small window you might find in your day.

Regular short sessions can be more beneficial than longer sequences that can’t be practiced regularly. Make a difference to your sense of wellbeing with just half an hour of yoga each day.


Who is this course for?

  • Individuals who are time poor and struggling to fit a regular yoga practice into their busy schedule
  • Those looking to build a home practice but finding longer classes challenging to maintain
  • This is an intermediate course – completion of the Yoga Selection beginners program or equivalent is recommended

How will this course help?

These classes encompass a comprehensive selection of Iyengar yoga classes – energising, strengthening, therapeutic, standing poses, backbends and inversions. Regular practice covering these areas will ensure that you have a balanced practice that expands in many directions. Be supported in building a rewarding home practice, even when you are time poor.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to short yoga classes covering key areas
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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