Urdhva mukha svanasana (upward facing dog pose) is a great pose for lifting energy and preparing your body for a session of backbends. It is commonly practiced in conjunction with other backbending asanas. It can however be helpful to sometimes explore this pose and its many variations in isolation, as the sole focus of your practice session. This can help to deepen your understanding of this key asana and give you the opportunity to optimise alignment and address problems that may potentially arise. Although urdhva mukha svanasana (upward facing dog pose) is not commonly thought of as an advanced backbend, it is a pose that can still present obstacles for many people. In particular, it can be a potentially challenging pose for people working with problems associated with wrists, elbows, shoulders, necks and lower backs. This class on takes an in-depth look at urdhva mukha svanasana. In addition to troubleshooting some of these common problems, the class also explores key actions and fundamental techniques.