Yoga For Back Pain

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Yoga For Back Pain

Learn yoga poses to relieve back pain in this three-part course. This comprehensive Iyengar Yoga resource will help to improve the overall health of your spine.

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Yoga For Back Pain

Learn yoga poses to relieve back pain in this three-part course. This comprehensive Iyengar Yoga resource will help to improve the overall health of your spine.

This course guides you through three complementary yoga sequences for back pain. Each sequence demonstrates unique ways in which Iyengar Yoga can be used to improve the health of your spine.


  • Learn how to take pressure off your back by improving hip mobility and hamstring flexibility.
  • Be guided in how to safely modify poses that can be difficult for people with lower back problems.
  • Develop a range of therapeutic poses that can be used to help relieve lower back aches and pains.

Class 1

There are numerous ways in which Iyengar Yoga can help to reduce lower back pain. Although there are many causes for lower back pain, it is very common for people to arrive at yoga classes with this pain originating at least in part from tight hamstrings. Knowing that the spine can benefit from improved hamstring mobility can create a dilemma for many people. Positions that allow the hamstrings to stretch will often simultaneously challenge the lower back, potentially aggravating existing discomfort. With this in mind the following sequence looks to present a number of poses that can help you to safely improve the flexibility of your hamstrings in positions where your spine is comfortably supported. Poses that help to release tension from the lower back, and poses that help to improve the range of movement in the lower back are also included.

Duration: 50 min

Class 2

This sequence focusses on standing and seated poses that simultaneously lengthen and turn your spine. Although helpful for a broad range of body-types, the class may be especially beneficial for anyone with a mild scoliosis. In most of the poses in this class you are gripping the frame of a chair with your hands. This increases your ability to adjust the position of your spine and ribcage. Emphasis is placed throughout the class on promoting a straight back, whilst minimising any sideways curvature of the spine. The sequence begins with some shoulder opening poses that bring awareness to the alignment of your torso. It then proceeds towards standing and seated forward bends and twists. The class finishes with a supported version of savasana that helps to bring openness and symmetry to your chest.

Duration: 45 min

Class 3

This final class in the series is based around poses that help to relieve lower back pain. The class begins with some poses that help to remove muscular tension from the lower back. From there standing poses are practiced with your feet in a diagonal stance. This encourages the sacrum to move in, and the spine to lengthen away from the pelvis. Chair twists help to improve your spinal rotation. Several variations of the supta padangusthasana reclining leg stretches are then included. The class ends with some gentle poses using the support of two chairs that will be ideal for combatting inflammation in the lower back. Savasana is practiced in a prone position. Blankets are positioned in this pose to help release and relax the muscles associated with the lumbar spine.

Duration:50 min

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