Advanced Free Balancing

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Advanced Free Balancing Course

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Advanced Free Balancing Course

This course provides a strong foundation for anyone wanting to learn to free balance in handstand (ardha mukha vrksasana) and forearm balance (pincha mayurasana). Each tutorial is packed with helpful tips and techniques that will assist you to confidently practice these advanced inversions. Fundamental concepts and methods are introduced in a step-by-step progression that allows you to work toward free balancing at your own pace. Improve your balance, coordination, strength and confidence. Whether you are new to the idea of balancing without a support, or looking to develop an existing foundation, these tutorials will help you get results.

Class 1

Learn how to free-balance in handstand in this tutorial style class. You will start with some preliminary poses that help to connect your arms with your torso in a straight, integrated line. Then learn to link your legs into this line and prepare for the action of kicking up. The “bunny hopping” action is also taught, first by coming down from the pose keeping your knees and feet together. Once coming down has been consolidated you will be ready to kick up with both feet together. From there you will start to focus on the handstand free balance.

Class 2

Take your forearm balance to the next level by learning to free balance. This class begins with a strengthening sequence of movements that help to create a solid foundation for your pincha mayurasana. The poses that follow work on acquiring the necessary shoulder mobility. You will then work with variations that explore the basic techniques of the arms and shoulders without being in the full inversion. When you eventually get to the full pose your focus is on maintaining shoulder lift and avoiding lower back compression. The class culminates in an exploration of free balancing in pincha mayurasana.

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