Yoga Sequences Without Props

All you need is a yoga mat to complete this selection of prop-free classes.

Classes Available


Dynamic Standing Poses – Weekly Advanced Class 165

55 Min


This class features a variety of asanas from the standing pose group in a dynamic sequence that emphasises movement and motion. The transitional movements of changing from one pose to another are treated with the same importance as the eventual...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, virabhadrasana 1,2 & 3, parsvakonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana.



Padmasana – Weekly Advanced Class 169

40 Min


Padmasana can be practiced in a variety of ways. Rather than holding static positions for long time durations this class approaches the pose from a flowing vinyasa-style sequence. The fundamental knee and hip movements that are specific to padmasana are...

Key Poses

Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana, padmasana.



Vinyasa Hips & Glutes – Weekly Advanced Class 198

45 Min


Vinyasa hips and glutes. This class features a dynamic vinyasa-style sequence. It includes poses that will target your glutes, hamstrings and hips. Each pose alternates with a to-and-fro stepping action that passes through tadasana, uttanasana and adho mukha svanasana. The...

Key Poses

Tadasana, uttanasana, adho mukha svanasana, eka pada raja kapotasana.



Yoga For Weight Loss – Weekly Advanced Class 212

30 Min


Yoga for weight loss. This class features a variety of abdominal strengthening asanas within a dynamic, vinyasa-style sequence. Each abdominal pose is alternated within a to and fro stepping action that includes tadasana, utkatasana, adho mukha svanasana and dandasana. In...

Key Poses

Paripurna navasana, urdhva prasarita padasana.



Early Morning Boost – Weekly Advanced Class 275

30 Min


Get an early morning boost. This class will help you to wake up, shake off tiredness and access energy more quickly in the mornings. It packs a comprehensive selection of standing poses and strength building asanas into a dynamic, vinyasa...

Key Poses

Surya namaskar variations, standing poses.


Mat, blanket.

Yoga Sequence Without Props – Weekly Advanced Class 277

30 Min


Standing poses and backbends – without yoga props – in 30 minutes. You just need your yoga mat to complete this energising sequence. No other equipment is required. This class will be perfect for times when you are busy or...

Key Poses

Trikonasana, vasisthasana, urdhva mukha svanasana..



Course Overview


All you need is your yoga mat to complete this selection of six prop-free classes. No other equipment is required. This course will be perfect for times when you are busy or travelling light. Be guided through a selection of standing poses, strengthening poses, hip opening poses, backbends and dynamic vinyasa-style poses in this easy to practice set of sequences. These classes can conveniently be practiced before work, inside a lunch break or any time when you are on the move. Feel balanced and energised with a minimum of fuss.

Who is this course for?

  • This course will be perfect for times when you are busy or travelling light.
  • A yoga mat is all you need.

How will this course help?

  • This course gives you a set of go-to classes for times when you are without yoga props.
  • Feel balanced and energised with a minimum of fuss.
  • Be guided through a selection of standing poses, strengthening poses, hip opening poses, backbends and dynamic vinyasa-style poses in this easy to practice set of sequences.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to restorative yoga tailored to fit into your busy schedule
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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