Yoga Poses To Improve Your Posture – Weekly Intermediate Class 110

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This class focuses on poses that will help to alleviate rounded shoulders, collapsed chest, kyphosis, and forward head. To varying degrees these are afflictions that are encountered by many people working for long periods of time at desks and computers. The poses in this class help to bring some traction to your shoulders, pulling them back and down. This helps to realign your shoulder blades and trapezius muscle, preventing them from lifting up and into your neck. Strengthening leg muscles that tend to become weakened by sitting in office chairs also helps to improve your ability to support and lift your spine against the effect of gravity. Although persistent practice will be necessary to bring about permanent improvement, many people who are troubled by a stiff upper back and shoulders will get instant respite from practicing a sequence of poses such as this one.

Key Poses

Tadasana, utkatasana, parsvottanasana, salabhasana, chatushpadasana, purvottanasana.


Mat, chair, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Next Up Lessons

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45 Min

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