Yoga For Poor Posture – Series Two

The Yoga For Poor Posture – Series Two course provides you with a series of eight classes that will assist you to correct the problems commonly associated with habitual slouching.

Classes Available


Yoga Sequence Using Doweling – Weekly Intermediate Class 257

30 Min


This easy to practice sequence relies solely on a simple length of doweling. This type of yoga prop can be easily found or improvised from domestic objects around the house. The class demonstrates ways of using a length of doweling...

Key Poses

Gokukhasana arms, parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana I & II, urdhva hastasana. 


Mat, doweling, blanket.

Yoga Poses For Better Posture – Weekly Intermediate Class 256

45 Min


Yoga poses for better posture. Yoga to promote good posture. This class focuses on asanas that will help to alleviate rounded shoulders, collapsed chest, kyphosis, and forward head. To varying degrees these are afflictions that are encountered by many people...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, purvottanasana, ustrasana, chatushpadasana. 


Mat, chair, 2 blocks, bolster, 2 blankets.

Yoga For Abdominals & Core Strength – Weekly Intermediate Class 243

40 Min


Improve your core strength and tone your waist. This class features a prop-free sequence that will strengthen your abdominals and each of the main muscles associated with the core muscle group. The core muscles reach deep into the torso and...

Key Poses

Vasisthasana, chaturanga dandasana, urdhva prasarita padasana, paripurna navasana.


Mat, blanket.

Yoga To Boost Energy – Weekly Intermediate Class 234

45 Min


Yoga to boost energy. This class is designed to give you a mood lifting energy boost. It packs energising standing poses and backbends into a convenient 40 minute practice. Standing poses are fantastic for being able to circulate energy and...

Key Poses

Urdhva mukha svanasana, salabhasana, dhanurasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, 2 blankets, 2 blocks, belt.

Yoga For The Upper Back – Weekly Intermediate Class 226

50 Min


Yoga for the upper back. Many people suffer from an excessive forward curvature of the thoracic spine leading towards rounding or hunching in the upper back. Poor postural habits, sedentary lifestyle and prolonged periods sitting in front of computers can...

Key Poses

Salabhasa, dhanurasana, ustrasana, chatushpadasana.


Mat, bolster, 2 blocks, belt, blanket.

Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders – Weekly Intermediate Class 219

50 Min


Yoga for the upper back and shoulders. This week we are focusing on the neck and the regions of the body that surround it. The upper back and shoulders are key areas when working to improve the health of your...

Key Poses

Parighasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana.


Mat, chair, blanket, 2 blocks.

Yoga Poses For Office Workers – Weekly Intermediate Class 210

40 Min


This Yoga Poses For Office Workers class will help to correct problems commonly associated with spending long hours sitting at a desk or in front of a computer. In our modern age poor posture is becoming increasingly prevalent. Whether we...

Key Poses

Gomukhasana (arm action), garudasana (arm action), parvatasana, trikonasana, urdhva mukha svanasana.


Mat, chair.

Yoga For The Upper Back – Weekly Intermediate Class 201

50 Min


Yoga poses for your upper back. This class will help to improve mobility in your thoracic spine and correct poor postural habits. It will be ideal for people practicing with restricted movement or discomfort in the upper back. It will...

Key Poses

Matsyasana, purvottanasana..


Mat, chair, bolster, blanket, 2 blocks, belt.

Course Overview


Yoga For Poor Posture – Series Two. Improve your posture with this 8-part course. It provides you with a series of eight curated classes that will assist you to correct the problems commonly associated with habitual slouching. In our modern age poor posture is becoming increasingly prevalent. Whether it is from extended periods of computer work, smart phone usage, or lounging around on the couch, our bodies are often held in positions where the thoracic spine is in an exaggerated kyphosis, with the shoulders and neck sitting forwards. Over time this can lead to a range of ill health effects, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder tightness, headaches, poor balance and breathing difficulties. It can even contribute to incontinence, heartburn and constipation. If you have any of these complications of poor posture it is important that you consult a health professional.

In order to correct poor posture, the aim is to open the body out from the habitual hunched over position so that the spine is in an upright and neutral position. This involves opening the chest via release of the pectoral muscles combined with thoracic spine extension. In tandem with this, shoulder mobility and strengthening is also important, in order that the shoulders can be supported by the rotator cuff muscles and sit in a healthier position. Core strength is also crucial for supporting and stabilising the spine. It often deteriorates over time with chronic poor posture.

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals suffering from poor posture
  • Those looking to reduce the impact of computer work and smartphone usage on the body
  • This is an intermediate course – completion of the Yoga Selection Beginners courses or at least three months of prior yoga experience is recomm

How will this course help?

The classes in this course include sequences that focus on chest opening, shoulder mobilisation and strengthening and core stabilisation. If you are prone to poor posture, regular practice of these sequences will assist you in combatting the ill effects of poor posture in our information age.

What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured approach to correcting poor postural habits
  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you go further on your yoga journey
  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course
  • Email reminders to help keep you motivated and on track
  • Email support from your teacher


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