Vinyasa Padmasana Sequence – Weekly Advanced Class 259

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Try this fun way of improving your padmasana (lotus pose). This famous seated asana can be practiced in a variety of ways. This class approaches the pose from a flowing vinyasa-style sequence. The fundamental knee and hip movements that are specific to padmasana are isolated and built into a sequence of linked movements that gradually progress towards full padmasana. Approaching the pose in this way can help to improve circulation to your joints. It can also help to cut through stiffness and bring a quality of elasticity and malleability to your hips and knees. The class alternates padmasna variations with a warming to and fro stepping action that passes through uttanasana, adho much svanasana and eka pada rajakapotasana. It will help to bring a sense of freedom and lightness to your practice of padmasana.

Key Poses

Padmasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana.


Mat, blanket.

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45 Min

Vinyasa Twists & Glutes – Weekly Advanced Class 280
