Cycling and yoga

Cycling and Yoga: For Optimal Health and Performance

Yoga for Cyclists: Unlocking Performance and Comfort Cycling is not only a means of transportation but also a fantastic way to boost overall health and well-being. Engaging multiple muscle groups, it strengthens the body and promotes cardiovascular health. However, like any physical activity, cycling can strain specific muscles. Yoga is a great complementary practice for cycling, enhancing flexibility and providing …

Iyengar Yoga For Runners

Iyengar Yoga For Runners

Understanding Yoga for Runners Every runner knows the importance of stretching. It’s a cornerstone for maintaining muscle health and optimising joint mobility. Why Regular Stretching Matters Engaging in stretching, especially post-run, fights off stiffness and reduces injury risk, essential for those covering long distances. The Journey from Basic Stretches to Structured Yoga For many, the world of stretching opens up …