Ardha padmasana

Ardha Padmasana

Ardha Padmasana

In this class we feature ardha padmasana (half lotus pose). We look at ways of introducing this asana into your practice. Before you progress to this pose it is important that you have first consolidated the basics of the forward bend asana group. Ardha padmasana is a preparatory stage in progressing towards the famous cross legged position padmasana, or full lotus. Padmasana and its variations require simultaneous mobility from your hips, knees and ankles. If one or more of this regions is restricted in its movement there is a potential for the other areas needing to compensate by overworking. This can potentially increase the risk of imbalance or injury. This class looks at ways of safely introducing padmasana into your home yoga practice. We emphasise basic concepts and explore methods for reducing strain on your knees, accessing mobility from your hips and protecting your lower back. click here to view the video

Ardha padmasana